
Can Education and Money Guarantee a Secure Future? - WHY EDUCATION AND MONEY ARE NOT ENOUGH

 To be sure,  people need a basic education and money to provide for themselves and their family.  However, these are not enough to guarantee a  secure future.  Why not? Consider what the Holy Writing say.  


"The swife do not always win the race, . . . nor do the intelligent always have the riches, nor do those with knowledge always have success, because time and unexpected events overtake them all. " - ECCLESIASTES 9:11. 

Those who seem most qualified to succeed often do not, and usually for reasons they cannot control.  Economioc instability, social injustice, and prejudice can prevent even the best educated peoplefrom doing what they want to do.


"Do not wear yourself out to gain wealth.  Stop and show understanding.  When you cast you cast your eyes on it, it is not there, for it will surely sprout wings like an eagle and fly off into the sky." - PROVERBS 23:4, 5. 

Any security that money provides is temporary.  Upheavals in the financial world can wipe      out a person's life savings overnight.  Natureal disasters, such as earthquakes, wildfires, and cyclones, can leave a person bankrupt and homeless. 


"The plenty belonging to the rich ones does not permit him to sleep." - ECCLESIASTES 5:12. 

Franklin, who lives in Hong Kong, experienced the truthfuness of that wise saying. He had advanced education and well-paying job.  Then he was promoted to be a manager.  "The stress began to affect my health," he said. "I worried so much that I could not sleep." Eventually he reached a breaking point.  "I started to question why I was doing this, he recalled, "and it led me to think more about the purpose in my life."

"Do not wear yourself out to gain wealth." - PROVERBS 23:4

Like Franklin, many have concluded that there is more to life than pursuing higher education and riches.  Rather than focus their life on material things, some seek a better future by strivign to be a good person and to do good to others.  Will pursuing such a way of life guarantee a secure future?  The next articile offers the answer.

Next time: Will Being a Good Person Guarantee a Secure Future? 

From the jw.org publications 

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