
Coping With Natural DIsasters

 In view  of the increase in both the frequency and the destructiveness of natural disasters, what can a person do to cope?  Let us take a look at several practical steps that can be taken.

Keep out of the path of calamity

"Shrewd is theone that has seen the calamity and procees to coceal himself, but the inexperienced have passed along and must suffer the penalty," says the Bible. (Proverbs 22:3) This is wise counsel that can apply to disasters. If a warning is given about an impending volcanic eruption, probable flooding, or an approaching hurricane or typgoon, wisdom dictates that those in the affected area evacuate and get to safer ground. Life is more valuable than a house or other material things. 

For some, it might be possible to choose not live in an area of hight risk. One authority says:  "Disaster risk is geographically highly concentrated.  A very small portiion of the Earth's surface contains  most of the risk and most future large-scale disasters in these aread."  This may be true, for example,  in low-lying coastal regions or in areas near fault lines in the earth. If  you can avoid living in such high risk areas or can move to a safter location, you may greatly reduce your risk of suffering from disasters.

Next time: Coping With Natural Disasters - Have a plan of action

From the jw.org publications

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