

Why We Need Jehovah's Reminders

One reason whey we need Jehovah's  reminders is that we are forgetful.   Says The World Book Encyclopedia:  "In general, people forget more and more as time passes. . . .You probably have had the experience of being unable to think of a name or some other piece of information that was on the tip of your tongue. . . .Such temporary loss of memory, which occurs frequently, is called retrieval failure.  Scientists compare it to trying to find a misplaced object in a cluttered room . . . A good way to ensure remembering a piece of information is to study it long after you think you know it perfectly."  Diligent study and repetition will help us recall God's reminders and comply with them for our own good.

We need Jehovah's reminders today more than ever before because wickedness has reached the greatest proportions in human history.  If we pay attention to God's reminders, at these gatherings give us clear evidence that our heavenly Father cares for  his people.  (Isiah 40:11) Such occasions also promote joy,and our presence demonstrates our appreciation for Jehovah's reminders. -Nehemiah. 8:5-8, 12.

Next time: Set Apart by Jehovah's Reminders

Watchtower, 2000

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