
Moral Values on the Decline

Honesty in All Things

Sticking faithfully to a marriage mate demands strength of character and love of principle.  The same qualities are required to remain honest in a dishonest world.  The Bible has much to say about honesty.  The apostle Paul wrote to first-century Christians in Judea:  "We wish to conduct ourselves honestly in all things."  (Hebrews 13:18) What does that mean?

An honest person is truthful and free of fraud.  He is fair in his dealings with others-straightforward,  honorable, not deceptive or misleading.  Moreover, an honest person is someone with integrity who does not cheat his fellowman.  Honest people contribute to a climate of trust and confidence, which leads to healthy attitudes and promotes  strong human relationships.

Are honest people happy?  Well, they have reason to be.  Despite widespread corruption and cheating- or maybe because of it-honest individuals are generally admired by others.  According to a survey carried out among young people, honesty is a virtue that was highly rated by 70 percent of respondents.  Furthermore, whatever our age, honesty is a prime requisite in those we regard as friends.

Christine was taught to steal from the time she was 12 years of age.  Over the year she became a proficient pickpocket.  "There were days when I brought home up to DM 5,000[$2,200, U.S.] in cash," she explains.  But Christine was arrested several times, and she lived with the constant risk of being sent to prison.  When Jehovah's Witnesses  explained to her what the Bible says about honesty, Christine was attracted to the Bible's moral standards.  She learned to obey the admonition:  "Let the stealer steal no more." -Ephesians 4:28.

By the time Christine got baptized as one of Jehovah's Witnesses, she was no longer a thief.  She was endeavoring to be honest in all things, since the Witnesses place great emphasis on honesty and other Christian qualities.   The newspaper Lausitzer Raundschau reports:  "Such moral terms as honesty, moderation, and love of neighbor are rated very highly in the faith of the Witnesses."  How does Christine feel about the change in her life?  "I am much happier now that I have stopped stealing.  I feel that I am an honorable member of society.

Next time: All Society Benefits

Watchtower, 2000

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