

H0w Children Change a Marriage

MANY would agree that having children is one of the greatest joys in life.  The Bible describes children as  "a reward" from God.  (Psalm 127:3) New parents like Charles and Mary also know that children can change a marriage in unexpected ways.  For example, a new mother may focus on her baby and be surprised at how her body and heart respond to each whimper of the newborn.  As for the new father, he may marvel at the bond formed between  his wife and the baby, but he may also worry about suddenly being left out.

In fact, the birth  of a first child may be a catalyst for a crisis in a marriage.  An individual's emotional insecurities and a couple's unresolved issues may surface, exposed and magnified by the strains of parenthood.

How can new parents adjust to the hectic first few months when the newborn requires all their attention?  What can a couple do to maintain their intimacy?  How can they handle any disagreements about parenting?  Let us examine each of those challenges and consider how Bible principles can help a couple to meet them.

Next time: CHALLENGE 1: Life suddenly revolves around the child.

Watchtower, 2011

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