

CHALLENGE 3: You disagree about parenting.

A couple could find that their backgrounds cause them to argue.  A Japanese mother named Asami and her husband, Katsuro, faced this challenge. Asami says:  "I felt that Katsuro was being too easy on our daughter, while he felt that I was being too hard on her."  How can you avoid working against each other?

*A key to success:  Communicate with your mate, and support each other.  Wise King Solomon wrote:  'By presumptuousness one only causes a struggle, but with those consulting together there is wisdom."  (Proverbs 13:10)  how much do you know about your mate's approach to raising children?  If you wait until your baby is born before discussing specific child-training issues, you may find that you end up struggling with each other instead of dealing with the challenge successfully.

For example, what answers to the following questions have you agreed  on:  "How can we teach our child good eating and sleeping habits?  Should we always pick up the baby if it cries at bedtime?  How should we react to potty-training setbacks?"  Obviously, the decisions you make will be different from those of other couples.  Ethan, the father of two, says: "You need to talk things over in order to be on the same wavelength.  Then, together, you will be able to respond to your child's needs."

TRY THIS: Think about the  parenting techniques that your own parents used when raising  you.  Decide which of their attitudes and actions you would like to imitate when raising your child.  Also, decide which, if any attitudes and actions you  you want to avoid repeating,.  Discuss your conclusions with your mate.

Next time: A Child Can Change a Marriage for Good

Watchtower, 2011

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