
Youths Who Love the Truth

The Role of the Congregation

Some young people have learned the truth of God's Word on their own, without the help of their parents. It is certainly a challenge under such circumstances to learn to do what is right and to persist in it. 

Noe recalls how much the truth benefited him. From a very young age, he was prone to anger and violence.  When he began to study the Bible at the age of 14, his temperament began to improve, for which his parents, who were not interested in the Bible at that time, felt very grateful. As Noe progressed spiritually, he wanted to use his life more fully in God's service. He is now in the full-time ministry. 

Similarly, Alejandro began to take an interest in Christian truth when he was very young, even though his parents  were not interested in it. Expressing his appreciation for the truth, he says:  "I was raised in a traditional Catholic  home. But my leanings toward Communistic atheism grew, since the church  did not answer the questions that had disturbed me from a very young age. Jehovah's organization helped me to obtain the knowledge of God. It literally saved my life because if I had not studied the Bible, I would probably  have become involved with  immorality, alcoholism, or drugs. I might even have become part of some revolutionary group, with grievous consequences." 

Next time: Conclusion of The Role of the Congregation

From the Watchtower magazine, 2002

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