
How Real Is Your Relationship With Jehovah?


As we come to know Jehovah more intimately, we will not be unduly disturbed if certain Bible accounts leave us wondering why he acted as he did.  For example, how do you respond to the way Jehovah acted toward King Azariah of Judah?  (1 Kings 15:1-5)  Note that although "the people were still sacrificing and making sacrificial smoke on the high places," Azariah himself  "continued to do what was right in Jehovah's eyes."   Yet, "Jehovah afflicted the king, and he remained a leper until the day of his death."  Why?  The account does not say.  Should this disturb us or cause us to wonder whether Jehovah punish Azariah without due cause?  Not if we have an intimate knowledge of Jehovah's ways.  That would include knowing that Jehovah always disciplines "to the proper degree." (Jeremiah 30:11)  Such knowledge assures us that even if we do not know why Jehovah acted as he did toward Azariah, we can trust that His judgment was righteous. 

In this case, however, additional details are available to us elsewhere in the Bible.  King Azariah was also known as King Uzziah..  (2 Kings 15:7, 32) In the parallel account at 2 Chronicles 26:3-5, 16-21, we learn that although Uzziah did what was right in Jehovah's eyes for a time, later in life "his heart became haughty to his own ruin." Presumptuously, he attempted to perform priestly duties  that were outside the scope of  his authority.  Eighty-one priests confronted him and endeavored to correct him. How did Uzziah respond?  He demonstrated how proud he had become.  He "became enraged" against the priests.  No wonder Jehovah struck him with leprosy!

Let us not miss the point. Suppose clarifying the details had not been included in God's Word, as is the case with other abbreviated Bible accounts?  Would you be inclined to question the righteousness of God?  Or would you reason  that the Bible contains enough information to assure us that Jehovah always does what is right and is, in fact, the very standard of what is right and what is wrong?  (Deuteronomy 32:4) As we get to know Jehovah  better as a Person, our love and appreciation for his ways will grow to the point that we do not need  an explanation  for everything he does. Be assured that such appreciation will grow in proportion to your efforts to study and meditate on God's communication through his written Word. (Psalm 77:12, 13) This, in turn, will strengthen your relationship with Jehovah, making it ever more real. 

Next time: How Real Is Your Relationship With Jehovah? - PRAYER-YOU SPEAK TO JEHOVAH

From the Watchtower magazine 

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