
How Real Is Your Relationship With Jehovah?


In prayer we draw close to Jehovah.  We praise him, thank him, and seek his guidance.  (Psalm 32:8) But for your relationship with Jehovah to be real,you must be convinced that he is hearing prayers. 

Some people believe that prayer is only of psychological benefit.  They claim that if you think that your prayer is answered, it is merely  because you put your thoughts into words, identified your problem, and set your mind on finding a solution.  Aside from any such benefits, how do you know that your sincere prayers are actually heard by Jehovah? 

Consider this: From his prehuman existence, Jesus observed firsthand Jehovah's response to the prayers of his human servants.  Then, during his earthly ministry, Jesus used prayer as his means of communicating with his Father in heaven. Would he have done so-even spending an entire night in prayer-had he thought that Jehovah was not really listening? (Luke 6:12; 22:40-46)  Would he have taught  his disciples  to pray  had he thought that prayer was nothing more than a psychological crutch?  Clearly, Jesus knew that prayer is real communication with Jehovah.  On one occasion, Jesus said: "Father, I thank you that you have heard me.  True, I knew that you always hear me."   We too can have the same confidence that Jehovah is the "Hearer of prayer." -John 11:41, 42; Psalm 65:2. 

When you are specific in your prayers, you become more keenly aware of Jehovah's answers, even though they may be subtle. Answered prayers will make Jehovah more real to you. In addition, the more you express your innermost concerns to Jehovah, the closer he will draw to you. 

Consider the experience of Kathy.  She did not enjoy the field ministry, although she regularly participated in it.  She explains:  "I did not like field service.  I mean, I really did not like it.  When I retired from my secular work, and elder expressed the hope that I would become a regular pioneer; he even handed me an application form.  I decided to pioneer, but I also began to pray daily that Jehovah would make me like field service.  Did Jehovah answer her prayers?  She says:  "I am now in my third year of pioneering. As a result of spending more time in the ministry and learning from other sisters,  I have gradually improved in my ability to witness.  Today, I do not field service-I love it.  What is more, my relationship with Jehovah is so much closer than it used to be."  Truly, Kathy's prayers helped her  to make her relationship with Jehovah real. 

Next time: How Real Is Your Relationship With Jehovah? - DOING OUR PART

From the Watchtower magazine 

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