

Many people think about the future and imagine things that will never happen.  For example, some people who are very poor dream that they will become rich and have nothing to worry about.  But the Bible says that life in Satan's world will always be "filled with trouble and sorrow."  (Psalm 90:10)  Or some imagine that human government will solve the world's problems.  But the Bible/God says that God will destroy this wicked world.  (Zephaniah 1:18; 1 John 2:15-17)  Those who imagine things that are the opposite of what Jehovah says will be very disappointed.

Jehovah has promised us a wonderful future. When we think about that time, we feel happier and we can get the courage we need to keep serving him.  Can you imagine yourself doing the things Jehovah has promised you, whether you will be in heaven or on earth? If you look forward to living forever on earth, imagine working with your friends in the garden.  Those who supervise this work care about you.  And everyone around you loves Jehovah, just as you do. You are healthy and have a lot of energy, and you have nothing to worry about.  You are happy because you can use your talents and skills to help others and to honor Jehovah. May you are even helping people who have been resurrected to know Jehovah. (1 John 17:3; Acts 24:15)  When you imagine these things, you are not dreaming. They will all come true because of what the Bible says about the future.  -Isaiah 11:9;  25:8; 33:24; 35:5-7; 65:22. 

Next time: They "Saw" the Things Promised -TALK ABOUT WHAT YOU LOOK FORWARD TO

From the jw.org publications 

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