
You Can Fight Satan and Win! - WIN THE FIGHT BY ENDURING

Pride, materialism, and sexual immorality are just three of Satan's  traps.  There are many more.  For example, some Christians have family members who oppose them or schoolmates who make fun of them. Others live in countries where the government tries to stop them from preaching. We expect to face such difficulties. Jesus himself warned us:  "You will be hated  by all people on account of my name, but the one who has endured to the end will be saved." -Matthew 10:22.  

How can we fight Satan and win?  Jesus said:  "By your endurance you will preserve your lives."  (Luke 21:19)  Nothing that any human can do to harm us is permanent. Nobody can take away our friendship with God unless we allow that to happen.  (Romans 8:38, 39) Even if some of Jehovah's faithful servants die, it does not mean that Satan has won. Jehovah will resurrect them.  (John 5:28, 29)  But Satan has no future.  After this wicked world is destroyed, he will be thrown into  the abyss for 1,000 years.  (Revelation 20:1-3) At the end of the thousand years of Christ's rule, Satan will be "released from his prison" and will try for one last time to mislead perfect mankind. After that, he will be destroyed.  (Revelation 20:7-10) Although the Devil has no future, you do!  Continue to fight against Satan, and keep your faith strong. You can fight Satan and win! 

Next time: They "Saw" the Things Promised

From the jw.org publications

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