

HUMANS ARE UNIQUE IN MANY WAYS- WE WRITE, WE PAINT, WE CREATE, AND WE THINK ABOUT LIFE'S QUESTIONS:  Why does the universe exist?  How did we come to be?  What is the purpose of life?  What does the future hold?

Some people shy away from those questions, thinking that the answers are beyond us.  Others says that such questions are pointless because life is a product of mindless evolution.  "There are no god's, no purposes," claimed professor of history and biology William Provine.  He added:  "There is no ultimate foundation for ethics, no ultimate meaning in life." 

Some people, however, consider that fatalistic outlook unacceptable.  They see a universe that is governed by  precise, elegant, mathematical laws.  They marvel at the impressive designs in nature, some of which humans try to mimic in man-made products.  And everyday experience tells them that complex , highly functional designs point to intelligence, not undirected forces. 

Such reasoning has moved some evolutionists to reconsider their position,  Note the following examples.

Next time: THE WAY OF HAPPINESS - Purpose in Life

From the jw.org publications

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