

 Paul encouraged the Ephesian Christians not only to continue rejecting the darkness but also "go on walking as children of light." (Read Ephesians 5:7-9) What does that mean? Simply put, it means to conduct ourselves as true Christians at all times. One way to achieve this goal is by diligently reading and studying the Bible along with our Bible-based publications. It is especially important to pay close attention to the example and teachings of Jesus Christ, "the light of the world." - JOHN 8:12; PROVERBS 6:23.\

We also need the help of God's holy spirit so that we can keep conducting ourselves "as children of light." Why? Because it is a definite challenge to remain clean in this immoral world. (1 Thessalonians 4:3-5, 7, 8) Holy spirit can help us to combat the thinking of the world, including its philosophies and viewpoints that conflict with God's thinking. Holy spirit can also help us to produce" every sort of goodness and righteousness." - EPHESIANS 5:9. 

One way we can receive holy spirit is by praying for it. Jesus said that Jehovah will "give holy spirit to those asking him." (Luke 11:13) And when we praise Jehovah together at Christian meetings, we also receive holy spirit. (Read Ephesians 5:19, 20.) The wholesome influence of God's holy spirit will help us to live in a way that pleases God.

Next time: WALK "AS CHILDREN OF LIGHT" - Continue

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 Satan wants us to associate with people who make it harder for us to stick to Jehovah's standards. Accordingly, Paul urged the Ephesians: "Do not be sharers with them," that is, with those who practice what is wrong in God's eyes. (Ephesians 5:7) We need to remember that our association is not limited to those we spend time with in person. It includes those we interact with on social media, a danger that the ancient Egyptians were not exposed to. Angela, who lives in Asia, found out how dangerous social media can be. She admits: "It can be a trap, subtly numbing your senses. I reached the point where it did not bother me to have 'friends' who did not respect Bible principles. Eventually, I started to think it was ok to pursue a lifestyle that displeased Jehovah." Thankfully, loving elders helped Angela to make needed changes. She says: "Now I fill my mind with spiritual things rather than with social media."

We must fight against the world's thinking that immoral conduct is acceptable. We know better. (Ephesians 4:19, 20) We do well to ask ourselves: 'Do I make it a point to avoid all unnecessary association with workmates, classmates, or others who do not respect Jehovah's righteous standards? Do I courageously uphold Jehovah's standards even though some may call me intolerant for doing so?' As indicated at 2 Timothy 2:20-22, we may also need to be careful when choosing our close associates within the Christian congregation. We bear in mind that some may not help us to remain faithful in our service to Jehovah. 

Next time: Walk "As Children of Light" 

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 Read Ephesians 5:3-5. In order to stay far away from moral darkness, the Ephesian Christians had to continue rejecting practices that displeased Jehovah. That included not only sexually immoral conduct but also obscene talk. Paul reminded the Ephesians that they had to avoid such things if they were to have "any inheritance in the Kingdom of the Christ and of God. 

We too must continue to fight against becoming entangled in "the unfruitful works that belong to the darkness." (Ephesians 5:11) Time and again, experience has shown that the more a person looks at, listens to, or talks about unclean, immoral things, the easier it will be for him to fall into wrongdoing. (Genesis 3:6; James 1:14, 15) In one country, several dozen brothers became "friends" in an online chat group. Many of them started their chats talking about spiritual things. In the course of time, however, the chats became unwholesome. They began to revolve around sex. Several of those individuals later admitted that this unclean talk led them to commit sexual immorality.

Satan's world tries to deceive us, to make us believe that what Jehovah calls immoral and unclean is not wrong at all. (2 Peter 2:19) This is no coincidence! One of the Devil's long-used tactics is to confuse people so that they are unable to discern what is right and what is wrong. (Isaiah 5:20; 2 Corinthians 4:4) It is no wonder that many movies, televisions shows, and websites promote ideas that go against Jehovah's righteous standards! Satan is trying to deceive us into thinking that unclean practices and lifestyles are not only acceptable but also enjoyable and harmless. - Read EPHESIANS 5:6. 

Next time: AVOID THE DARKNESS -Conclusion

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 Moral darkness. Ephesus was famous for its gross immorality and brazen conduct. Obscene talk was commonly heard in the city's theaters and even at religious festivals. (Ephesians 5:3) Many of its inhabitants were "past all moral sense," and expression that literally means "having ceased to feel pain." (Ephesians 4:17-19) Before learning was truly right or wrong, the Ephesians did not feel pangs of conscience or think that they had any accountability to Jehovah. Paul could thus describe them as being "in darkness mentally and alienated from the life that belongs to God." 

Some of the Ephesians, though, did not remain in darkness. Paul wrote that they were "now light in connection with the Lord." (Ephesians 5:8) They had embraced the light of the Scriptural truth. (Psalm 119:105) These Ephesians had abandoned their false religious practices and immoral conduct. They had "become imitators of God" and were doing their best to worship Jehovah and to please him.

In a similar way, before we learned the truth, we were in religious and moral darkness. Some of us celebrated false religious holidays; others of us pursued an immoral lifestyle. But once we learned about Jehovah's standards of right and wrong, we made changes. We began to bring our life into harmony with his righteous requirements. And as a result, we have enjoyed many benefits.  (Isaiah 48:17) Now, though, we face ongoing challenges. We need to stay away from the darkness that we left behind and "go on walking as children of light." How can we do so? 


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 Paul wrote to the Ephesians Christians: "You were once darkness, but you are now light." (Ephesians 5:8) Paul here used the metaphors of darkness to light contrasting or opposing conditions. Let consider why Paul could say that the Ephesians were "once darkness." 

Religious darkness. Before learning the truth and becoming Christians, the Ephesians to whom Paul wrote were enslaved to false religious ideas and superstitions. The city of Ephesus was home to the famous temple of Artemis, which the ancients considered one of the seven wonders of the world. The people who worshipped there were steeped idolatry. The fabrication and sale of false religious shrines of the goddess Artemis was a lucrative business. (Acts 19:23-27) In addition, the city was well-known for magical arts. - ACTS 19:19. 

Next time: FROM DARKNESS TO LIGHT - Conclusion

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Avoid the Darkness-Remain in the Light

 "You were once darkness, but you are now light." - EPHESIANS 5:8. 


What we can learn from the metaphors of darkness and light mentioned in Ephesians chapter 5.

While he was under house arrest in Rom, the apostle Paul wanted to encourage his fellow believers. He could not visit them in person, so he wrote letters. He wrote one of these in about 60 or 61 C.E. to the Ephesians. - EPHESIANS 1:1; 4:1.  

Almost ten years earlier, Paul had spent some time Ephesus, preaching and teaching the good news. (Acts 19:1, 8-10; 20:20, 21) He loved his brothers very much and wanted to help them to remain faithful to Jehovah. But why did he write to anointed Christians about darkness and light? And what lessons can all Christians learn from this counsel? Let us consider the answers to these questions.


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 There is more to Robert's experience. He continues: "After I refused my coworker's invitation, she said, 'You passed the test!' I asked her what she meant. She explained that a friend of hers, a former Witness, had told her that all young Witnesses lead a double life and that they would jump at the opportunity to compromise. So she told her friend that she would test that out on me. I realized then how glad I was that I had honored Jehovah's name.

When you dedicate yourself to Jehovah and get baptized, you show that you want to sanctify his name no matter what comes. And you can be certain that Jehovah knows the trials you face and the temptations you resist. He will bless your efforts to remain faithful. Trust that by means of his holy spirit, he can give you the strength to do so. (Luke 11:11-13) With Jehovah's help, you will be able to keep following Jesus after your baptism.

Next time: Avoid the Darkness-Remain in the Light

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 It will also be of help to you if after baptism you examine yourself regularly. (Read 2 Corinthians 13:5.) From time to time, take a close look at your life and habits to see if you are praying daily, reading and studying the Bible, attending meetings, and participating in the ministry. Try to find ways to make these aspects of your worship even more meaningful. For example, ask yourself such questions as: 'Can I explain basic Bible teachings to others? Are there ways that I can make my ministry more enjoyable? How specific are my prayers, and do they show that I am completely reliable on Jehovah? Do I regularly attend Christian meetings? How can I improve my concentration and participation at meetings? 

You would also do well to examine yourself honestly regarding your weaknesses. A brother named Robert relates that an experience that illustrates the point: "When I was about 20 years old, I had a part-time job. One day after work, a coworker invited me to her home. She said we'd be alone and we'd have a good time.' At first, I gave a few weak excuses, but I finally said no explained why." Robert resisted the temptation, and that is commendable. Later, though, he looked back on the incident and saw that he could have handled the situation better. He admits: "I didn't reject the offer as firmly or as quickly as Joseph resisted Potiphar's wife. (Genesis 39:7-9) In fact, I was surprised at how difficult it was for me to refuse. This incident helped me to see that I needed strengthen my friendship with Jehovah." 

You may benefit from making a self-examination similar to what Robert made. Even when you succeed in resisting temptation, ask yourself, 'How long did it take to say no?'  If you see room for improvement, do not condemn yourself. Be glad that you are now aware of this weakness. Make it a matter of prayer and take steps to strengthen your determination to live by Jehovah's moral standards. - PSALM 139:23, 24. 

Next time: 'KEEP TESTING . . . KEEP PROVING" - Conclusion

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 Jesus was zealous, and he remained close to Jehovah in prayer. (Luke 6:12) In fact, one of the best ways for you to keep following Jesus after your baptism is develop a pattern of doing things that you will draw you closer to Jehovah.  The Bible says: "To the extent we have made progress, let us go walking orderly in this same course." (Philippians 3:16) From time to time, you will hear the experiences of brothers and sisters who have reached out to expand their sacred service. Perhaps they attended School for Kingdom Evangelizers or moved where there is a greater need.  If you can such a goal, by all means do so. Jehovah's people are eager to expand their ministry. (Acts 16:9) What, though, if right now you are unable to do that? Do not think that you are inferior to those who can. The Christian race if one of endurance. (Matthew 10:22) Do not underestimate the value of serving Jehovah according to your abilities and circumstances. This is an important way that you can keep following Jesus after baptism. - PSALM 26:1. 

What if, for a time, you feel that your prayers have become mechanical or that your ministry is in a rut? What if your Bible reading does not seem as rewarding as it did in the past? If such situations develop after your baptism, do not conclude that you have lost Jehovah's spirit. You are an imperfect human, and your feelings can fluctuate.  If your zeal starts to diminish, reflect on the example of the apostle Paul. Although he tried to imitate Jesus, he knew that at times he might not feel as motivated as at other times. (Read 1 Corinthians 9:16, 17.) He said: "Even if I go against my will, I still have a stewardship entrusted to me."  In other words, Paul was determined to accomplish his ministry despite how might feel at the moment. 

Similarly, do not let your imperfect feelings make your decisions for you. Resolve that you will do the right thing despite how you feel. Your actions should in time affect your feelings for the better. At any rate, maintaining a good spiritual routing will help you to keep following Jesus after baptism. Your consistency will also be an encouragement to your fellow believers. - 1 THESSALONIANS 5:11. 


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 What if you are offered employment that will interfere with your regular attendance at Christian meetings? Your reaction is not in doubt. Long before the offer was made, you had already said no to such a job proposal. Thus, you will not need to figure out whether you can make a bad decision succeed. Recalling Jesus' determination to please his Father, you, you will quickly and firmly reject anything that you know would displease God to whom you are dedicated. - MATTHEW 4:10; JOHN 8:29. 

The fact is that trials and temptations give you an opportunity to show that you are determined to "keep following," Jesus. As you do, you can be assured that Jehovah will help you. The Bible says: 'God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear, but along with the temptation he will also make your way out so that you may be able to endure it." - 1 CORINTHIANS 10:13. 


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 When you make a dedication to Jehovah, you disown yourself. This means that you say no to personal desires and ambitions that would displease Jehovah. (Matthew 16:24) So when you face a test, you will not need to spend time debating what to do. You will have already shut the door on all options except one-faithfulness to Jehovah. You will remain firmly resolved   to please Jehovah. You will be in that sense like Job. Even though he faced extremely difficult trials, he resolutely stated: "I will not renunce my integrity!" - JOB 27:5.

By reflecting on your prayer of dedication to Jehovah, you will find the strength to resist any temptation. For example, would you start flirting with another's person's mate? Certainly not! You will have already said to that. You will thus spare yourself the anguish of having to deal with improper feelings after they have taken root. You will "turn away" from the path of the wicked." - PROVERBS 4:14, 15. 


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 After baptism, your life will not be problem free. In fact, Jesus made it clear that his disciples would carry a "torture stake." Actually, they would do so "day after day." (Read Luke 9:23.) Was Jesus saying that his followers would always be suffering? Not at all. He was simply emphasizing that in addition to the blessings they would experience, they would face challenges. Some of these challenges might even be painful. - 2 TIMOTHY 3:12.

Perhaps you have already faced opposition from family member, or perhaps you have sacrificed certain material pursuits to put Kingdom interests first. (Matthew 6:33) If so, you can be certain that Jehovah has noticed your faithful works. (Hebrews 6:10) Likely, you have experienced the truthfulness of Jesus' words: "No one has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father children or fields for my sake and for the sake of the good news who will get 100 times more now than in this period of time-houses, brothers, sisters, mothers, children, and fields with persecution- and in the coming system of things, everlasting life." (Mark 10:29, 30) The blessings that you have received are truly greater than any sacrifices that you have made. - PSALM 37:4. 

Yu will need to fight "the desire of the flesh" after baptism. (1 John 2:16) After all, you will still be a sinful descendant of Adam. At times, your feelings might be similar to those of the apostle Paul. He wrote: "I really delight in the law of God

according to the man I am within, but I see in my body another law warring against the law of my mind and leading me captive to sin's law that in my body." (Romans 7:22, 23) You may feel discouraged by your sinful tendencies.  However, thinking about the promise you made to Jehovah when you dedicated yourself to him will strengthen your resolve to fight against temptation. The reality is that when you face temptations, your dedication will simplify your life. How? 


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"Keep Following" Jesus After Baptism

 "If anyone want to come after me, let him disown  himself and pick up his torture stake day after day and keep following me" -LUKE 9:23.


This article can help all of us to reflect on the meaning of our dedication. In particular, it can help those who recently got baptized to remain faithful.

IT IS a joy to get baptized and become part of Jesus' family. Those who in that privileged position would agree with the word os the psalmist David, who said: "Happy is the one whom you [Jehovah] choose and bring near to reside in your courtyards." - Psalm 65:4.

Jehovah does not bring just anyone into his courtyards. As discussed in the preceding article, he chooses to draw close to those who prove that they want a relationship with him. (James 4:8) When you dedicate yourself to Jehovah and get baptized, you draw closer to Jehovah in a special way. You can be sure that thereafter he will "pour out on you a blessing until there is nothing lacking. - MALACHI 3:10; JEREMIAH 17:7,8.

Baptism, of course, is just the beginning. After you take that step, you want to live to do your best to live to live up to your dedication vow, even in the face of temptations or tests of faith. (Ecclesiastes 5:4, 5.) As a disciple of Jesus, you will follow Jesus' example and commands as closely as possible. (Matthew 28:19, 20; 1 Peter 2:21) This article will help you do that.


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 Strengthen your hope. Psalm 62:5 says: "I wait patiently for God because my hope comes from him." Strong hope includes confident expectation-which is crucial if we have to endure this system longer than we imagined. We must be convinced that Jehovah's promises will become realities no matter how long we may have to wait for them. We can strengthen our hope by studying God's Word-the prophecies, the internal harmony, and the details Jehovah reveals about himself. (Psalm 1:2, 3) Also, we need to continue to "pray with holy spirit" to keep our good relationship with Jehovah while we wait for his promise of everlasting life to be fulfilled. -JUDE 20, 21.

Like King David, be confident that Jehovah watches over those waiting for Him and expresses His loyal love to them. (Psalm 33:18, 22) Keep waiting patiently for Jehovah by focusing on the positive things in your life, by praising him, by drawing encouragement from fellow Witnesses, and keeping your precious hope strong.

Next time: "Keep Following" Jesus After Baptism

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 Focus on the positive. King David had seen much wickedness throughout his life. (Psalm 37:35) Yet, he wrote: "Keep silent before Jehovah and wait expectantly for him. Do not be upset by the man who succeeds in carrying out his schemes." (Psalm 37:7) David himself took that advice to heart by fixing his attention on his hope of salvation. He also took note of every blessing he received from Jehovah. 

Stay bust praising Jehovah. The writer of Psalm 71, apparently David, said to Jehovah: "I will continue to wait; I will add to your praise." (Psalm 71:14) How would he praise Jehovah? He would tell others about Jehovah and sing praises to him. (Psalm 71:16, 23) Like Davidd, we can find joy while waiting for Jehovah. We praise him through our ministry, our daily conversations and our songs for worship. The next time you sing a Kingdom song, why not pay careful attention to its uplifting message. 

Draw encouragement from your brothers and sisters. When David faced challenges, he said to Jehovah: "In the presence of your loyal ones, I will hope in your name." (Psalm 52:9) We too can draw encouragement from loyal fellow worshippers, not only at our meetings and in or ministry but also during social occasions. - ROMANS 1:11, 12. 

Next time: HOW TO BE HAPPY WHILE WAITING - Conclusion

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 The Bible says: "Jehovah is waiting patiently to show you favor, and he will rise up to show you mercy.  For Jehovah is a God of justice. Happy are all those keeping in expectation of him." (Isaiah 30:18) These words of Isaiah were originally directed to the stubborn Jews. (Isaiah 30:1) But there were some faithful ones among the Jews, and these words offered them hope. These same words offer hope to Jehovah's faithful servants today.

So we must wait patiently because Jehovah is waiting patiently. He has an appointed time for when he will bring this system to an end, and he is waiting for that day and hour to arrive. (Matthew 24:36) At that time, it will be absolutely clear that the Devil's charges against Jehovah and those who serve Him are false. He will then remove Satan and any who side with him, but he will "show [us] mercy." 

In the meantime, Jehovah may not remove our trials, but he assures us that we can be happy while waiting. As Isaiah stated, we can be happy while we long or hope for something good to happen. (Isaiah 30:18) How can we gain that happiness? Four steps can help us.


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Find Happiness While Waiting Patiently for Jehovah

DO YOU look forward to the time when Jehovah will do away with all wickedness and make things new? (Revelation 21:1-5) No doubt you do! However, it is not always easy to keep waiting patiently on Jehovah, especially when we are facing difficulties. Hope delayed may make us feel sick at heart. - PROVERBS 13:12, ftn.

Still, Jehovah expects us to wait patiently for him to act at his appointed time. What can help us to be happy while we wait?


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 Jesus said that his disciples are drawn by Jehovah. (Read John 6:44) Consider what a profound thought that is and how it applies to you. Jehovah sees something good in each person he draws to himself. He views the individual as his "special property," or "treasured possession." (Deuteronomy 7:6; ftn.) That is true in your case too. 

It may be, though, that you are a young person who is being raised in the truth. You might feel that you are being carried or towed along. Nevertheless, the Bible says: "Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you." (James 4:8; 1 Chronicles 28:9) When you take the initiative to draw close to Jehovah, he responds by drawing close to you. Jehovah does not view you as just being part of a group. He draws each individual-including each individual who is being raised in the truth.  When such a person takes the initiative to draw close to Jehovah, he responds, as we noted at James 4:8. -Compare 2THESSALONIANS 2:13. 

When you dedicate yourself to Jehovah and get baptized, you reflect the attitude of Jesus. He willingly presented himself to his Father to do whatever was asked of him. (Read Psalm 40:8; Hebrews 10:7) In the next article, we will discuss what will help you to keep serving Jehovah faithfully after your baptism. 

Next time: Find Happiness While Waiting Patiently for Jehovah

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 How can you show a similar resolve to that of Joseph? You can decide now what you will do if a temptation arises. Learn to say no immediately to things that Jehovah hates, even refusing to dwell on them.  (Psalm 97:10; 119:65) That way you will not waver when tempted. You will already know how you will respond. You will already have settled on your course.

In your case, you may know that you have found the truth and that you want to serve Jehovah with all your heart, but something still holds you back from dedication and baptism.  You can take to heart the example of King David. You can beg Jehovah: "Search through me, O God, and know my heart. Examine me and know my anxious thoughts. See whether there is in me any harmful way and lead me in the way of eternity." (Psalm 139:23, 24) Jehovah blesses those who are "earnestly seeking him." You're working toward your goal of dedication and baptism shows him you are doing just that. - Read HEBREWS 11:6.


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 Some who are ready for dedication and baptism still hold back. They may wonder, 'What if afterward I commit a serious sin and get disfellowshipped?' If you have that fear, be assured that Jehovah will give you everything you need to walk worthily of [him] in order to please him fully." (Colossians 1:10) He will also give you the strength to do what is right. He has already proved that he can do that by how he has dealt with many others. (1 Corinthians 10:13) That is one reason why relatively few people are expelled from the Christian congregation. Jehovah equips his people to remain faithful.

Every imperfect human is tempted to do wrong things. (James 1:14) However, whether you act on temptation is a choice-your choice. That fact is that ultimately you are the one who is in control of how you live. Though some people may make claims to the contrary, you can learn to control your impulses. And even if some improper impulses surface, you can refrain from acting on them. To that end, pray every day, Maintain a good routine of personal study of God's Word. Attend Christian meetings. Share your faith with others. Taking these steps consistently will give you the strength to live up to your dedication vow. And never forget that Jehovah will help you do so. 

You will find it easier to live up to your dedication if you decide beforehand what you will do if faced with temptation. The Bible tells us that a number of people who evidently did that, even though they were imperfect humans.  For example, Potiphar's wife repeatedly tried to seduce Joseph. But he did not have any doubts about the stand he would take. The Bible tells us that "he refused," and he stated: "How could I commit this great badness and actually sin against God?" (Genesis 39:8-10) Clearly, Joseph knew how he would react even before she tried to tempt him. That made it easier for him when was faced with temptation. 

Next time: WHY SOME HOLD BACK - Conclusion

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For Those Being Raised in the Truth

 Young ones are being raised in the truth by parents who are serving God will be greatly helped by the three-part series on jw.org entitled "Young People Ask . . . Should I Get Baptized?" 

You can find additional valuable information in two study articles in the March 2016 issue of the Watchtower. The articles are "Young Ones-Are You Ready to Get Baptized?"  and "Young Ones-How Can You Prepare for Baptism?" 

You will enjoy lasting benefits by making time to examine and to think deeply about the material in those articles.


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You may feel that you are not ready for dedication and baptism.  Perhaps you still need to make changes in your life to conform to Jehovah's standards, or perhaps you need more time to strengthen your faith. (Colossians 2:6, 7) Not all students progress at the same pace, and not all young ones are ready for dedications and baptism at the same age. Try to evaluate your spiritual progress according to what you are able to do and not in comparison with someone else. - GALATIANS 6:4, 5. 

Even if you realize that you are not ready yet to dedicate yourself to Jehovah, keep that step before you as a goal. Pray for Jehovah's blessing on your efforts to make whatever changes are necessary. (Philippians 2:13; 3:16) You can be certain that he will hear your prayer and respond. - 1 JOHN 5:14. 

Next time: For Those Being Raised in the Truth 

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 The main reason you dedicate yourself to Jehovah is that you love him. Your love is not based on emotion alone. Rather, it is rooted in "accurate knowledge" and spiritual comprehension"-the things that you learned about Jehovah that caused your love for him to grow. (Colossians 1:9) Your study of the Scriptures has convinced you (1) that Jehovah is real, (2) that the Bible is his inspired Word, and (3) that he uses his organization to accomplish his will.

Those who dedicate themselves to Jehovah should know the basic teachings found in God's Word and be in living harmony with its standards.  They share their faith with others to the extent that their circumstances allow. (Matthew 28:19, 20) Their love for Jehovah has grown and their heartfelt desire is to give him exclusive devotion. It that not so of you?  Having this kind of love, you will not view dedication and baptism as something you do just because you want to please your Bible teacher or your parents; nor do you view it as something you do to fit in with your friends.

The decision to dedicate yourself to Jehovah is only natural when you think of all that he has done for you. (Read Psalm 116:12-14.) The Bible rightly calls Jehovah the Giver of "every good gift and every perfect present." (James 1:17) The greatest of those gifts is the sacrifice of his Son, Jesus.  Just think! the ransom made it possible for you to have a close relationship with Jehovah.  And he has given you the prospect of living forever. (1 John 4:9, 10, 19) Dedicating yourself to Jehovah is a way to show your appreciation for the greatest expression of love ever made, along with other blessings Jehovah has given you. (Deuteronomy 16:17; 2 Corinthians 5:15) Such appreciation is highlighted in lesson 46 point 4, of the Enjoy Life Forever! book, which includes the three-minute video Presenting Gifts to God. 


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 In the Bible, dedication signifies a setting apart for a sacred purpose. The Israelites were a nation dedicated to Jehovah. But some individuals were dedicated to Jehovah in a special way. For example, Aaron wore a "holy sign of dedication"-a shiny gold plate on the front of his turban. That gold plate indicated that he was set apart to serve in a special capacity-as Israel's high priest. (Leviticus 8:9) The Nazarites too were dedicated to Jehovah is a special way. The word "Nazarite," which comes from the Hebrew word nazir,' means "Separated One," or "Dedicated One," Nazarites were to live by the restrictions that were set out for them in the Mosaic Law. - NUMBERS 6:2-8.

When you dedicate yourself to Jehovah, you choose to become a disciple of Jesus Christ and make the doing of God's will the most important thing in your life. What will Christian dedication require of you? Jesus said: "If anyone wants to come after me, let him disown himself." (Matthew 16:24) The Greek phrase translated "let him disown himself" can also be rendered "He must say no to himself." As a dedicated servant of Jehovah, you will need to say no to anything that conflicts with his will. (2 Corinthians 5:14, 15) That includes saying no to "the works of the flesh," such as sexual immorality. (Galatians 5:19-21; 1 Corinthians 6:18) Will such restrictions make your life difficult? Not if you love Jehovah and are convinced that his laws are for your ow good. (Psalm 119:97; Isaiah 48:17, 18) A brother named Nicholas puts it this way," you can view Jehovah's standards either like the bars of a prison that keep you from doing what you want to do or like the bars of a lion cage that protect you from danger." 

How do you dedicate yourself to Jehovah? You promise him in prayer that you will worship only him and that you will put his will first in your life. Really, you are promising Jehovah that you will continue to love him "with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind and with your whole strength."  (Mark 12:30) Your dedication is made in private, between you and Jehovah. In contrast, baptism is public; it shows onlookers that you have made a dedication. Your dedication is a sacred vow, and Jehovah expects you to live up to it, just as you expect that of yourself. - ECCLESIASTES 5:4, 5. 


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Are You Ready to Dedicate Yourself to Jehovah?

 "With what will I repay Jehovah for the good he has done for me? " - PSALM 116:12.


This article can help you to develop a close relationship with Jehovah so that you will want to dedicate yourself to him and get baptized.

DURING the past five years, more than five million people have been baptized as Jehovah's Witnesses. Many of these, like he first century disciple Timothy, were taught the truth "from infancy," (2 Timothy 3:14, 15) Others learned about Jehovah as adults, some late in life. A while back, a woman who studied the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses got baptized at the age of 97!

If you are a Bible student or if you are being raised by parents who are Witnesses, are you thinking about getting baptized? That is a commendable goal! Before getting baptized though, you will need to dedicate yourself to Jehovah. This article will explain what dedication involves. It will also help you to see why there is no reason to hold back from taking that step, along with baptism, when you are ready to do so.


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 At times, we receive counsel that safeguards us from such things as materialism and activities that can put us in danger of breaking God's laws. Here, too, we are blessed by following the guidance Jehovah provides. We maintain a clear conscience and spare ourselves unnecessary stress. (1 Timothy 6:9, 10) As a result, we can wholeheartedly pursue the worship of Jehovah, which brings the deepest joy, peace and satisfaction. - Read ISAIAH 48:17, 18. 

No doubt Jehovah will continue to use representatives to provide guidance during the great tribulation and on into the Thousand Year Reign. (Psalm 45:16) Will we keep following that direction even when doing so requires setting aside our personal differences? Much may depend on how we respond to the guidance Jehovah is providing now. Therefore, let us always follow Jehovah's guidance, including that which is provided by men who are appointed to watch over us. (Isaiah 32:1, 2; Hebrews 13:17) And as we do, we have every reason to trust our Guide, Jehovah to lead us away from danger and towered out destination-everlasting life in the new world.

Next time: Are You Ready to Dedicate Yourself to Jehovah?

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 When we keep following Jehovah's guidance, we enjoy blessings even now. For example, Andy and Robyn needed the encouragement to keep their life simple. (See study note on Matthew 6:22.) As a result, they were able to volunteer to work on theocratic construction projects. Robyn says: "We have lived in some very small spaces, often with no kitchen. And I had to see a lot of equipment that I used for photography, a hobby I loved. That brought me to tears. But like Abraham's wife, Sarah, I was determined to look ahead, not back." (Hebrews 11:15) What did this couple gain from their experience? Robyn says: "We have the deep satisfaction of knowing that we are giving Jehovah everything we have. When working on theocratic assignments, we get a glimpse of how life will be in the new world." Andy agrees, saying: "We have the satisfaction of being completely spent in support of the Kingdom."

How else do we benefit when we keep following Jehovah's guidance? After graduating from high school, Marcia took to heart the encouragement to pursue a career in Jehovah's service. (Matthew 6:33; Romans 12:11) She says: "I was offered a four-year scholarship at a university. But I wanted to pursue spiritual goals. So I chose a technical training school to learn a trade that would support me in my ministry. It was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I now enjoy regular pioneering, and my flexible work schedule has allowed me to serve as a commuter at Bethel and to enjoy other special privileges." 


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 Looking back, we can clearly see that Jehovah was guiding his people during that difficult time, since World War II, Jehovah's people in many lands have enjoyed a measure of peace and freedom while carrying on the preaching work. In fact. the work has flourished.

Today the members of the governing body continue to look to Christ for guidance. They want the instructions they give to the brothers to reflect heaven's view of matters. In turn, circuit overseers and elders provide direction to the congregations. Anointed elders are in Christ's "right hand."(Read Revelation 2:1) Of course, these elders are imperfect and make mistakes. Moses and Joshua erred at times, as did the apostles. (Numbers 20:12; Joshua 9:14, 15; Romans 3:23) Still, Christ is carefully guiding the faithful slave and appointed elders, and he will continue to do so "all the days until the conclusion of the system of things." (Matthew 28:20) We therefore have every reason to trust the guidance that he is providing through those appointed to take the lead.


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 Jehovah continues to lead his people today. He has been doing so by means of his Word and his Son, the head of the congregation. Can we see evidence that God also continued to use human representatives? Yes. Consider for example, certain developments that took place in the late 1800's. Charles Taze Russell and his associates began to discern that the year 1914 would mark a turning point regarding the establishment of God's Kingson. (Daniel 4:25, 26) In reaching that conclusion, they depended on Bible prophecy. Was Jehovah guiding their Bible research? He clearly was. In 1914 world events confirmed that God's Kingdom had begun to rule.  World War I broke out, followed by pestilences, earthquakes, and food shortages. (Luke 21:10, 11) Jehovah was indeed using those sincere Christian men to help his people.

Consider, too, what happened during World War II. After a study of Revelation 17:8, responsible brothers at world headquarters discerned that the war would lead, not to Armageddon, but a period of relative peace that open opportunities for increased preaching activity. So even though the move may have seemed impractical at the time, the Watchtower Bible College (School) of Gilead was established by Jehovah's organization to train missionaries to preach and teach in lands throughout the earth. Missionaries were sent out even during the war. Additionally, the faithful slave arranged for the course in Theocratic Ministry to train all in the congregations to become better preachers and teachers. In these ways, God's people were being prepared for the work ahead. 

Next time: HOW JEHOVAH GUIDES US TODAY - Conclusion

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Why Some Have Rejected Clear Evidence

 Why have some rejected clear evidence that Jehovah is using human representatives to guide his people? In many cases, it has been because of selfish motives. (John 3:19; 1 Peter 3:3, 4; Jude 18) For example. some Israelites refused to accept Moses as a divinely appointed guide because they were overly concerned with their own status. (Numbers 6:1-3) For similar reasons, many rejected Jesus, despite the miracles he performed. (John 12:37, 43) On the other hand, humble ones with a heartfelt love of truth have seen the powerful evidence that Jehovah is using appointed men to guide his people. (Matthew 16:16, 17) Following that guidance always leads to blessings.


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 In the first century C.E., Jehovah formed the Christian congregation How did he guide those early Christians? He appointed Jesus as the head of the congregation. (Ephesians 5:23) But Jesus did not personally direct each individual disciple. He used the apostles and the older men in Jerusalem to take the lead. (Acts 15:1, 2) Also, elders were appointed to guide the congregations. - 1 THESSALONIANS5:12; TITUS 1:5. 

How did first-century Christians respond? The majority were glad to follow the instructions they received. In fact, "they rejoiced over the encouragement" they were given. (Read Acts 15:30, 31.) How, though, has Jehovah been guiding his people in more recent times? 

Next time: Why Some Have Rejected Clear Evidence

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 However, some Israelites did follow Jehovah's guidance. For example, Jehovah noted: "Caleb . . . kept following after me wholeheartedly." (Read Numbers 14:24) God rewarded Caleb, even granting him his preferred choice of land in Canaan. (Joshua 14:12-14) The next generation of Israelites also set a good example in following Jehovah's guidance. When Joshua succeeded Moses as the appointed leader of the Israelites, they "deeply respected him all the days of his life." (Joshua 4:14) As a result, Jehovah blessed them by bringing them into the land that he had promised. - JOSHUA 21:43, 44.

Years later, Jehovah raised up judges to guide his people. Afterward, during the time of the kings, Jehovah appointed prophets. For example, King David humbly accepted correction from the prophet Nathan. (2 Samuel 12:7, 13; 1 Chronicles 17:3, 4) King Jehoshaphat relied on the prophet Jahaziel for guidance and encouraged the people of Judah to "put faith in [God's] prophets." (2 Chronicles 20:24, 15, 20) When in distress, King Hezekiah turned to the prophet Isaiah. (Isaiah 37:1-6) Each time the kings followed Jehovah's guidance, they were blessed and the nation was protected. (2 Chronicles 20:29, 30; 32:22) It should have been obvious to all that Jehovah was using his prophets to guide his people. Yet, the majority of the kings as well as the people rejected Jehovah's prophets. -JEREMIAH 35:12-15.


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 Jehovah appointed Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. And he gave the Israelites visible evidence that He was guiding them by Moses. For example, He provided a pillar of cloud by day of fire by night. (Exodus 13:21) Moses followed the pillar, which led him and the Israelites to the Red Sea. The people panicked when they thought that they were trapped between the sea and pursuing Egyptian army. They concluded that Moses was mistaken in bringing them to the Red Sea. But it was no mistake. Jehovah had intentionally led his people there by way of Moses. (Exodus 14:2) God then delivered them in a most astonishing way. - EXODUS 14:26-28.

For 40 years thereafter, Moses continued to depend on the pillar of cloud to guide God's people through the wilderness.  For a time, Jehovah placed the pillar above Moses' tent, where all Israel could see it. (Exodus 33:7, 9, 100 From the pillar Jehovah spoke to Moses, who in turn conveyed His instructions to the people.  (Psalm 99:7) The Israelites had ample evidence that Jehovah was using Moses to guide them.

Sadly, most the Israelites rejected the clear proof that Jehovah was using Moses as His representative. (Read Numbers 14:2, 10, 11) Repeatedly, they refused to recognize Moses' role. As a result, that generation of Israelites was denied entry into the Promised land. - NUMBERS 14:30. 


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Keep Following Jehovah's Guidance

 "I, Jehovah, am . . . the One guiding you." - ISAIAH 48:17.


This article will help us see how Jehovah guides his people today and what blessings we enjoy when we follow his guidance.

IMAGINE that you are lost in a forest. Danger lurks around you; wild animals, disease-carrying insects, poisonous plants, and rocky terrain. How grateful you would be for an experienced guide who knows where the danger is and how to steer you away from it! This world is like that forest. It is filled with danger that especially threatens our spiritual health. But we have a perfect Guide-Jehovah. He leads us away from the danger and toward our destination-everlasting life in the new world.

How does Jehovah guide us? Primarily, by means of his written Word, the Bible. However, he also uses human representatives. For example, he uses "the faithful and discreet slave" to provide spiritual food that helps us make wise decisions. (Matthew 24:45) Jehovah also uses other capable men to guide us. For example, circuit overseers and congregation elders provide encouragement and instruction that can help us get through difficult times.  How grateful we are for reliable guidance during these critical last days! It helps us maintain Jehovah's approval and keeps us on the road to life.

Even so, we might occasionally find it a challenge to follow Jehovah's guidance, especially when it is conveyed by imperfect men. Why? The counsel may conflict with our likes or dislikes. Or we might feel that the direction we receive in unwise and conclude that the council must not be from Jehovah. At such times, we especially need confidence that Jehovah is the one leading his people and that following his guidance results in blessings. To help strengthen our confidence, this article will consider (1) how Jehovah guided his people in Bible times, (2) How he is guiding us today, and (3) how we benefit when we keep following his guidance.


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