

You may feel that you are not ready for dedication and baptism.  Perhaps you still need to make changes in your life to conform to Jehovah's standards, or perhaps you need more time to strengthen your faith. (Colossians 2:6, 7) Not all students progress at the same pace, and not all young ones are ready for dedications and baptism at the same age. Try to evaluate your spiritual progress according to what you are able to do and not in comparison with someone else. - GALATIANS 6:4, 5. 

Even if you realize that you are not ready yet to dedicate yourself to Jehovah, keep that step before you as a goal. Pray for Jehovah's blessing on your efforts to make whatever changes are necessary. (Philippians 2:13; 3:16) You can be certain that he will hear your prayer and respond. - 1 JOHN 5:14. 

Next time: For Those Being Raised in the Truth 

From the jw.org publications

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