

 It will also be of help to you if after baptism you examine yourself regularly. (Read 2 Corinthians 13:5.) From time to time, take a close look at your life and habits to see if you are praying daily, reading and studying the Bible, attending meetings, and participating in the ministry. Try to find ways to make these aspects of your worship even more meaningful. For example, ask yourself such questions as: 'Can I explain basic Bible teachings to others? Are there ways that I can make my ministry more enjoyable? How specific are my prayers, and do they show that I am completely reliable on Jehovah? Do I regularly attend Christian meetings? How can I improve my concentration and participation at meetings? 

You would also do well to examine yourself honestly regarding your weaknesses. A brother named Robert relates that an experience that illustrates the point: "When I was about 20 years old, I had a part-time job. One day after work, a coworker invited me to her home. She said we'd be alone and we'd have a good time.' At first, I gave a few weak excuses, but I finally said no explained why." Robert resisted the temptation, and that is commendable. Later, though, he looked back on the incident and saw that he could have handled the situation better. He admits: "I didn't reject the offer as firmly or as quickly as Joseph resisted Potiphar's wife. (Genesis 39:7-9) In fact, I was surprised at how difficult it was for me to refuse. This incident helped me to see that I needed strengthen my friendship with Jehovah." 

You may benefit from making a self-examination similar to what Robert made. Even when you succeed in resisting temptation, ask yourself, 'How long did it take to say no?'  If you see room for improvement, do not condemn yourself. Be glad that you are now aware of this weakness. Make it a matter of prayer and take steps to strengthen your determination to live by Jehovah's moral standards. - PSALM 139:23, 24. 

Next time: 'KEEP TESTING . . . KEEP PROVING" - Conclusion

From the jw.org publications

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