

 Jesus said that his disciples are drawn by Jehovah. (Read John 6:44) Consider what a profound thought that is and how it applies to you. Jehovah sees something good in each person he draws to himself. He views the individual as his "special property," or "treasured possession." (Deuteronomy 7:6; ftn.) That is true in your case too. 

It may be, though, that you are a young person who is being raised in the truth. You might feel that you are being carried or towed along. Nevertheless, the Bible says: "Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you." (James 4:8; 1 Chronicles 28:9) When you take the initiative to draw close to Jehovah, he responds by drawing close to you. Jehovah does not view you as just being part of a group. He draws each individual-including each individual who is being raised in the truth.  When such a person takes the initiative to draw close to Jehovah, he responds, as we noted at James 4:8. -Compare 2THESSALONIANS 2:13. 

When you dedicate yourself to Jehovah and get baptized, you reflect the attitude of Jesus. He willingly presented himself to his Father to do whatever was asked of him. (Read Psalm 40:8; Hebrews 10:7) In the next article, we will discuss what will help you to keep serving Jehovah faithfully after your baptism. 

Next time: Find Happiness While Waiting Patiently for Jehovah

From the jw.org publications

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