

 With those examples in mind, what do you think will happen when the last of the anointed are taken to heaven? We do not need to wonder. The Bible reveals a simple reassuring truth: Jehovah will never abandon his people on earth. (Hebrews 13:5b. ) Like Moses and Elijah, the small group of anointed Christians who take the lead today understand the importance of training others. For decades of the brothers of the Governing Body have been training men from among the other sheep to take the lead. For example, they have organized many schools to train elders, traveling overseers, Branch Committee members, overseers at Bethel, and others. The Governing Body has personally been training helpers to the various committees of the Governing Body. These helpers are right now a heavy load of responsibility. They are well-prepared to continue the work of caring for Christ's sheep. 

Here is the key point of our discussion: When the last of the anointed are taken to heaven near the end of the great tribulation, pure worship will keep right on going here on earth. Thanks to the leadership of Jesus Christ, God's worshippers will not miss a beat. True, at that time, we will be under attack by Gog of Magog, a hostile coalition of nations. (Ezekiel 38:18-20) But that brief attack will fail; it will not stop God's people from worshipping Jehovah. He will surely rescue them!  In a vision, the apostle John saw the "great crowd" of Christ's other sheep. John was told that this "great crowd" comes "out of the great tribulation." (Revelation 7:9, 14) Yes, they will be kept safe!

Next time: WHAT WILL HAPPEN? - Conclusion

From the jw.org publications

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