

 Still, some might wonder: "What about the anointed? What will they do after they depart the earthly scene?"  The Bible answers that question directly. It reveals that the political elements of this world will "battle with the Lamb."  They (the political elements) will lose, of course. We read: "The Lamb will conquer them. And who will help hi? The verse answers. Those who are "called," "chosen," and "faithful." (Read Revelation 17:14.) Who are these? The resurrected anointed ones! So when the last of the anointed-on earth are taken to heaven near the end of the great tribulation, one of the first assignments will be to fight. What a remarkable assignment! Some anointed Christians were fighter before they became Jehovah's Witnesses. Some even served in the armed forces of this world. But later they became Jehovah true Christians and learned the way of peace. (Galatians 5:22; 2 Thessalonians 3:16) They put aside all physical warfare. However, they are being raised to heaven, they will serve along with Christ and his holy angels, waging the final war against God's enemies.

Next time: WHAT WILL HAPPEN? - Conclusion

From the jw.org publications

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