

 What will happen when the anointed are taken to heaven? Remember, Jesus is our Shepherd He is the head of the Christian congregation. Jesus clearly stated: "Your leader is one, the Christ." (Matthew 23:10) Our reigning king will never fail to do his job. With Christ in charge, his followers here on earth will have nothing to fear. Of course, we do not know every detail about how Christ will lead his people at that time. So let us consider some Bible examples that may reassure us.

Before Israel entered the Promised Land, Moses died. What happened to God's people? Without the faithful man, were they left in the lurch? No. As long as they were faithful, Jehovah provided for them. Before Moses died, Jehovah told him to commission Joshua to lead the people. Moses had been training Joshua for decades. (Exodus 33:11; Deuteronomy 34:9) In addition, there many other capable men taking the lead-chiefs of thousands, hundreds, fifties, and even tens. (Deuteronomy 1:15) God's people were well cared for. We find a similar example in Elijah. He had been taking the lead in pure worship among the Israelites for decades. But the time came when Jehovah transferred him to a different assignment, down south in Judah. (2 Kings 2:1; 2 Chronicles21:12) Were faithful people in the ten-tribe kingdom of Israel abandoned? No. Elijah had been training Elisha for years. There were also "the sons of the prophets," who were evidently organized into schools of some kind. (2 Kings 2:7) Thus many faithful men were available to lead God's people. Jehovah's purpose kept advancing, and he cared for his faithful worshipers.

Next time: WHAT WILL HAPPEN - Continue

From the  jw.org publications

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