

 Some who are ready for dedication and baptism still hold back. They may wonder, 'What if afterward I commit a serious sin and get disfellowshipped?' If you have that fear, be assured that Jehovah will give you everything you need to walk worthily of [him] in order to please him fully." (Colossians 1:10) He will also give you the strength to do what is right. He has already proved that he can do that by how he has dealt with many others. (1 Corinthians 10:13) That is one reason why relatively few people are expelled from the Christian congregation. Jehovah equips his people to remain faithful.

Every imperfect human is tempted to do wrong things. (James 1:14) However, whether you act on temptation is a choice-your choice. That fact is that ultimately you are the one who is in control of how you live. Though some people may make claims to the contrary, you can learn to control your impulses. And even if some improper impulses surface, you can refrain from acting on them. To that end, pray every day, Maintain a good routine of personal study of God's Word. Attend Christian meetings. Share your faith with others. Taking these steps consistently will give you the strength to live up to your dedication vow. And never forget that Jehovah will help you do so. 

You will find it easier to live up to your dedication if you decide beforehand what you will do if faced with temptation. The Bible tells us that a number of people who evidently did that, even though they were imperfect humans.  For example, Potiphar's wife repeatedly tried to seduce Joseph. But he did not have any doubts about the stand he would take. The Bible tells us that "he refused," and he stated: "How could I commit this great badness and actually sin against God?" (Genesis 39:8-10) Clearly, Joseph knew how he would react even before she tried to tempt him. That made it easier for him when was faced with temptation. 

Next time: WHY SOME HOLD BACK - Conclusion

From the jw.org publications 

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