

 Paul wrote to the Ephesians Christians: "You were once darkness, but you are now light." (Ephesians 5:8) Paul here used the metaphors of darkness to light contrasting or opposing conditions. Let consider why Paul could say that the Ephesians were "once darkness." 

Religious darkness. Before learning the truth and becoming Christians, the Ephesians to whom Paul wrote were enslaved to false religious ideas and superstitions. The city of Ephesus was home to the famous temple of Artemis, which the ancients considered one of the seven wonders of the world. The people who worshipped there were steeped idolatry. The fabrication and sale of false religious shrines of the goddess Artemis was a lucrative business. (Acts 19:23-27) In addition, the city was well-known for magical arts. - ACTS 19:19. 

Next time: FROM DARKNESS TO LIGHT - Conclusion

From the jw.org publications 

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