
Keep Following Jehovah's Guidance

 "I, Jehovah, am . . . the One guiding you." - ISAIAH 48:17.


This article will help us see how Jehovah guides his people today and what blessings we enjoy when we follow his guidance.

IMAGINE that you are lost in a forest. Danger lurks around you; wild animals, disease-carrying insects, poisonous plants, and rocky terrain. How grateful you would be for an experienced guide who knows where the danger is and how to steer you away from it! This world is like that forest. It is filled with danger that especially threatens our spiritual health. But we have a perfect Guide-Jehovah. He leads us away from the danger and toward our destination-everlasting life in the new world.

How does Jehovah guide us? Primarily, by means of his written Word, the Bible. However, he also uses human representatives. For example, he uses "the faithful and discreet slave" to provide spiritual food that helps us make wise decisions. (Matthew 24:45) Jehovah also uses other capable men to guide us. For example, circuit overseers and congregation elders provide encouragement and instruction that can help us get through difficult times.  How grateful we are for reliable guidance during these critical last days! It helps us maintain Jehovah's approval and keeps us on the road to life.

Even so, we might occasionally find it a challenge to follow Jehovah's guidance, especially when it is conveyed by imperfect men. Why? The counsel may conflict with our likes or dislikes. Or we might feel that the direction we receive in unwise and conclude that the council must not be from Jehovah. At such times, we especially need confidence that Jehovah is the one leading his people and that following his guidance results in blessings. To help strengthen our confidence, this article will consider (1) how Jehovah guided his people in Bible times, (2) How he is guiding us today, and (3) how we benefit when we keep following his guidance.


From the jw.org publications

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