

 "Jehovah is very tender in affection." (James 5:11) In the Bible, he compares himself to an affectionate mother. (Isaiah 66:12, 13) Just imagine a mother who lovingly cares for her little child. She tenderly bounces him on her knees and speaks to him in a gentle, soothing voice. When he cries or is in pain, she makes sure he has what he needs. When we are in pain, we can count on Jehovah's love.  The psalmist wrote: "When anxieties overwhelm me, you comforted and soothed me." -PSALM94:19.

Jehovah is loyal. (Psalm 103:8) He does not give up on us when do something wrong.  The nation of Israel disappointed Jehovah time and again; yet, he expressed his unfailing love to his repentant people with these words: "You became precious in my eyes, you were honored, and I have loved you." (Isaiah 43:4, 5) God's love has not changed. We can always rely on it. Even if we have made serious mistakes, Jehovah does not abandon us. When we repent and return to Jehovah, we will find his love for us intact. He promises that "he will forgive in a large way." (Isaiah 55:7) The Bible describes this forgiveness as bringing "seasons of refreshing . . . from Jehovah himself." - ACTS3:19.

Next time: JEHOVAH LOVES US VERY MUCH - Conclusion

From the jw.org publications

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