

 Draw encouragement from your brothers and sisters. When David faced challenges, he said to Jehovah: "In the presence of your loyal ones, I will hope in your name. (Psalm 52:9) We too can draw encouragement from loyal fellow worshippers, not only at our meetings and in the ministry but also during social occasions. - ROMANS 1:11, 12.

Strengthen your hope. Psalm 62:5 says: "I will wait silently for God because my hope comes from him." Strong hope includes confident expectation- which is crucial if we have to endure this system longer than we imagined. We must be convinced that Jehovah's promises will become realities no matter how long we have to wait for them. We can strengthen our hope by studying God's Word-the prophecies, the internal harmony, and the details Jehovah reveals about himself.  (Psalm 1:2, 3) Also, we need to continue to "pray with holy spirit" to keep our good relationship with Jehovah while we wait for his promise of everlasting life to be fulfilled. - JUDE 20, 21.

Like King David, be confident that Jehovah watches over those waiting for Him and expresses His loyal love for them. (Psalm 33:18, 22) Keep waiting patiently for Jehovah by focusing on the positive things in your life, by praising him, by drawing encouragement from fellow Witnesses, and by keeping your precious hope strong.

Next time: YOU CAN UNDERSTAND THE BIBLE - Finding Help Understanding the Bible

From the jw.org publications


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