

Read Numbers 6:5. Nazarites vowed not to cut their hair. That was a way to show their complete submission to Jehovah. Depending on the length of his Nazariteship an Israelite's uncut hair may have become noticeable to others. If those around him supported his desire to stick to his Nazarite vow, this may not have posed a challenge. Sadly, however, there were times in Israel's history when Nazarites   were not appreciated or supported. During the time of the prophet Amos, apostate Israelites "kept giving the Nazarites wine to drink," likely in an attempt to cause them to violate their vow to abstain from wine. (Amos 2:12) At times, it must have taken real courage for a Nazarite to stick to his vow and stand out as different.

With Jehovah's help, we too can courageously stand out as different, even if we are shy, or timid, by nature. Consider the example of Benjamin, a ten-year old Witness in Norway. His school held an event in support of war-torn Ukraine. The children were asked to sing a song while dressed in Ukraine's national colors. Benjamin planned to avoid this nationalistic event by remaining a discreet distance away from where it would take place. However, a teacher called saw him and called out:  "You must come and join us now. We are all waiting for you!"  Benjamin courageously approached the teacher and said: "I am neutral, and I do not join in political demonstrations. In fact, many of Jehovah's Witnesses are in prison because they refuse to go to war." The teacher accepted this explanation and excused Benjamin from the event.  However, his classmates began to ask why he did not join them.  Benjamin was so nervous that he almost started to cry; yet, he bravely repeated to the whole class what he had said to the teacher. Afterward, Benjam told his parents that he felt that Jehovah had helped him to stand up for his faith. 

Because we choose to submit to Jehovah's will, we stand out as different from the people around us. We need courage to identify ourselves as Jehovah's Witnesses at work or at school. And as this world's attitudes and conduct to from to worse, we will likely find it mor difficult to live according to Bible principles and share the good news with others. (2 Timothy 1:8; 3:3) Always remember, though, that we "make [Jehovah's] heart rejoice when we courageously stand from those who do not serve him. - PROVERBS 27:11; MALACHI 3:18. 


From the jw.org publications 

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