
Did You Know? - Conclusion

 Why does the Bible repeat itself?

The need to emphasize important matters. Bible writers sometimes repeated crucial phrases. For example, when Jehovah instructed the Israelites not to eat blood, he had Moses repeat the reason multiple times. God wanted to emphasize that the life of the flesh is in the blood, that is, blood represents life. (Leviticus 17:11-14) Later when the apostles and elders in Jerusalem listed the essential ways to avoid pleasing God, they emphasized again the need to abstain from blood. -ACTS 15:20, 29.

Jehovah did not intend for the repeating of the Scriptural phrases to become a ritual. For instance, Jesus said: "When praying, do not say the same things over and over again." (Matthew 6:7) He then went on to provide us with appropriate subjects for prayer that are in harmony with God's will. (Matthew 6:9-13) so while we avoid repeating the same words over and over in our prayers, we are free to return to the same topics again and again. - MATTHEW 7:7-11.

For good reason, God's inspired Word repeats certain words and phrases. It is one of the many ways or Grand Instructor teaches us how benefit ourselves. - ISAIAH 48:17, 18. 

Next time: Jehovah Has Tender Affection for You

From the jw.org publications

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