

The experiences that we have discussed all prove that Jehovah "the God of love," is with us! (2 Corinthians 13:11) He is interested in us personally. We are convinced that we are "surrounded by His loyal love." (Psalm 32:10) The more we meditate on how he shown us his love, the more real he becomes and the closer we feel to him. We can approach him freely and tell him how much we need his love. We can share all our worrie3s with him, confident that he understands and that he is eager to help us. - PSALM 145:18, 19.

Just as you are drawn to a warm fire on a cold day, we are drawn to Jehovah's warm love. Although, Jehovah's love is powerful, it is also tender. So welcome Jehovah's warm love in your life. And may we all respond to his love by exclaiming: "I love Jehovah"! - PSALM 116:1. 

Next time: "I Will Never Abandon You"!

From the jw.org publications

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