

 Read Numbers 6:3, 4. Nazarites had to avoid al alcohol and products of the grapevine, such as grapes and raisins. People around them would have regularly enjoyed such foods and rightly so, since there was nothing wrong with these items. The Bible describes "wine that makes man's heart rejoice" as a gift from God.  (Psalm 104:14, 15) Yet, the Nazarites willingly sacrificed their right to such things.

Like the Nazarites, we too make sacrifices to worship  Jehovah more fully.  Consider the example of Madian and Marcela. This Christian couple enjoyed a comfortable life. Madian had a good job that allowed them to live in a beautiful apartment. However, they wanted to do more in their service to Jehovah. To achieve that goal, they decided to make some adjustments. "We started reducing our expenses," they say: We moved to a smaller apartment and sold our car." Madian and Marcela did not have to make these sacrifices-the chose to make them because doing so allowed them to expand their ministry. They feel satisfied and happy about their decisions.

Christians today find joy in making personal sacrifices in order to dedicate more time to theocratic activities. (1 Corinthians 9:3-6) Jehovah does not require us to make these sacrifices; nor are the things given up wrong in themselves. For example, some forgo a preferred job, a home, or even a pet. Many have decided to postpone getting married or starting a family. Others have chosen to serve where the need is greater, even though that means living far away from loved ones. Many of us willingly make such sacrifices because we want to give Jehovah our best. Be assured that Jehovah greatly values any sacrifice, large or small, that you choose to make in order to serve him. -HEBREWS 6:10. 


From the jw.org publications


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