

 Focus on the positive. King David had seen much wickedness throughout his life. (Psalm 37:35) Yet, he wrote: "Keep silent before Jehovah and wait expectantly for him. Do not be upset by the man who succeeds in carrying out his schemes." (Psalm 37:7) David himself took tha advice to heart by fixing his attention on his hope of salvation.  He also took note of every blessing he received from Jehovah. (Psalm 40:5) If we too focus on the positive aspects of our situation without being consumed by the negative things that are happening around us, we will find it easier to wait for Jehovah. 

Stay busy praising Jehovah. The writer of Psalm 71, apparently David, said to Jehovah: "I will continue to wait; I will add to your praise." (Psalm 71:14) How would he praise Jehovah? He would tell others about Jehovah and sing praises to him. (Psalm 71:16, 23) Like David, we can find joy while waiting for Jehovah. We praise him through our ministry, our daily conversations, and our songs for worship.  The next time you sing a song, why not pay careful attention to is uplifting message.

Next time: HOW TO BE HAPPY WHILE WAITING - Conclusion

From the jw.org publications 

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