
Lessons We Learn From the Nazarites

 "He is holy to Jehovah all he days of his Nazariteship." - NUMBERS 6:8.


How the example of the Nazarites can help us to serve Jehovah with a spirit of self-sacrifice and courage.

Do you treasure your relationship with Jehovah? No doubt you do! And you are not alone. Since ancient times, untold multitudes have felt the same way you do.   (Psalm 104:33, 34) Many have made sacrifices to worship Jehovah. That was certainly the case with those in ancient Israel known as Nazarites. Who were they, and what can we learn from their example?

The word "Nazarite" comes from the Hebrew term that means "One Singled Out," "Separated One," or "Dedicated One." This term aptly describes the zealous Israelites who made certain personal sacrifices to serve Jehovah in a special way. The Mosaic Law allowed for a man or a woman to make a special vow, or solemn promise, involving guidelines that the rest of the Israelites did not have to observe. Why, then, would an Israelite choose to take the Nazarite vow? Such an Israelite likely motivated by deep love for Jehovah and sincere gratitude for His rich blessing. - DEUTERONOMY 6:5; 16:17. 

Next time: Lessons We Learn From the Nazarites - Conclusion

From the jw.org publications 

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