
"Praise the Name of Jehovah"

"Offer praise, you servants of Jehovah, praise the name of Jehovah." - PSALM 113:1.  

IMAGINE this: Someone you care about says something terrible about you. You know that is a lie; yet, some believe it. Even worse, they begin repeating the lie, and many others believe it too. How would you feel?  If you care about people and your good reputation, the slander would make you feel bad, would it not? - PROVERBS 22:1.

This scenario can help us understand how Jehovah felt when his reputation was tarnished. One of his spirit sons lied about him to the first woman, Eve. She believed the lie. That lie. That lie led our first parents to rebel against Jehovah. As a result. sin and death entered the human family. (Genesis 3:1-6; Romans 5:12) All the problems we see in the world-the deaths, the wars, the misery-have come about because of the lies that Satan began to spread in the garden of Eden. Does Jehovah feel pain because of such slander and its results? Without a doubt. Yet, Jehovah is not bitter, or resentful. In fact, he remains "the happy God." - 1 TIMOTHY 1:11. 

We have the privilege of contributing to the vindication of Jehovah's name obeying this simple command: "Praise the name of Jehovah." (Psalm 113:1) We do so by speaking well of the One represented by that holy name. Will you? Let us consider three powerful motives that will help us to praise the name of our God wholeheartedly. 


    From the jw.org publications


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