
"That It May Go Well With You"

Paul pointed to another merit of obedience when he wrote:  " 'Honor your father and your mother'; which is the first command with a promise:  'That is may go well with you and you may endure a long time on the earth.' " (Ephesians 6:2, 3; Exodus 20:12)  In what ways may obedience to parents result in one's well-being?

To begin with, is it not true that parents have the advantage of age and experience?  Though they may not appear to know much about computers or some other subjects taught in school, they do know much about living  and coping with life's problems. Young people, on the other hand, lack the balanced thinking that comes with maturity.  Thus, they tend to be rash in decision  making, often yielding to negative peer pressure, much to their own detriment.  Realistically, the Bible says:  "Foolishness is tied up with the heart of a boy." What is the remedy?  The rod of discipline is what will remove it far from him." -Proverbs 22:15.

The benefits of obedience go far beyond the parent-child relationship.  For human society to function smoothly and productively, there must be cooperation, which in turn requires a measure of obedience.  For example, in a marriage, it is readiness to yield, rather than being demanding and insensitive to the rights and feelings of others, that results in  peace, harmony, and happiness. In the work place, employee subordination is a requisite for any business or endeavor to succeed. In relation to governmental laws and regulations, obedience not only frees one from punishment but also brings at least a degree of safety and protection. -Romans 13:1-7; Ephesians 5:21-25; 6:5-8. 

Young people who disobey authority often become misfits in society. In contrast, the lesson of obedience learned in childhood can extend rewardingly  throughout one's life. How advantageous to learn this in childhood! 

Next time: The Grand Reward for Obedience

From the Watchtower magazine, 2001

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