
The Kingdom Good News-WHAT IS IT?

Last year in 235 lands around the world, 6,035, 564 people, young and old, spent 1, 171, 170, 425 hours talking to others about it. In addition to conveying it by word of mouth, they placed  in the hands of the public more than 700 million pieces of printed material to advertise and explain it.  They also distributed thousands of audio cassettes and video cassettes  to propagate it. What is "it?"

"IT IS the good news of God's Kingdom. Truly, never before in human history has "this good news of the kingdom" been preached on the scale we see today. -Matthew 24:14.

Those doing this worldwide preaching and teaching work are all volunteers. from a secular point of view, they may appear to e ill-qualified for the task.  What, then, accounts for their courage and their success?   The power of the Kingdom good news is  a major factor, for it is news about blessings that will come to mankind.  These are blessings that all people yearn for-happiness,m freedom from economic hardship, good government, peace and security, and something else that most dare not even consider-everlasting life! This is indeed good news to people who are searching for the meaning and purpose of life.  Yes, all these blessings and more can be yours if you respond and react favorably to the proclamation of the Kingdom good news.

What Is the Kingdom?  

What, though, is the Kingdom being declared as good news? It is the Kingdom that millions have been taught to pray for in these familiar words:  "Our Father In the heavens, let thy name be sanctified. Let you kingdom come. Let your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." -Matthew 6:9, 10. 

It is the Kingdom spoken of by the Hebrew prophet Daniel over 25 centuries ago when he wrote:  "The God of heavens will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin.  And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it, itself  will stand to times indefinite." -Daniel 2:44. 

Thus, the good news is about the Kingdom, or government, by God that will eliminate all wickedness an then rule over all the earth in peace.  It will bring to reality the Creator's original purpose for mankind and for the earth. -Genesis 1:28. 

Next time: "The Kingdom of the Heavens Has Drawn Near" 

From the Watchtower magazine,  2001

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