

"He is sending his saying to the earth; with speed his word runs." -Psalm 147:15.

ONE of the most astounding prophecies in the Bible is found at Acts 1:8. Shortly before he ascended to heaven, Jesus told his faithful followers:  "You will receive power when the holy spirit arrives upon you, and you will be witnesses of me . . .to the most distant part of the earth."  What an enormous undertaking this would prove to be! 

To proclaim God's word throughout the earth must have seemed a daunting assignment to that handful of disciples who received it.  Consider what was involved.  They would have to help the people to understand the good news of  God's Kingdom.  (Matthew 24:14) Bearing witness to Jesus also required sharing his powerful teachings with others and explaining his role in Jehovah's purpose. Furthermore, the work included making disciples of people and then baptizing them.  And this was to be done worldwide! -Matthew 28:19, 20. 

Nevertheless, Jesus assured his followers that holy spirit would be with them in carrying out the work that he had given to them. Thus, despite the magnitude of the assignment and the relentless and violent efforts of opposers to silence them, the early disciples of Jesus successfully did what he had directed.  It is a fact of history that cannot be denied. 

The worldwide preaching and teaching campaign was an expression of God's love for those who did not know him.  it gave them the opportunity  to draw close to Jehovah and receive forgiveness of sins.  (Acts 26:18)  The commission to preach and teach also manifested God's love for those bearing  the message, since it  allowed them  to express their devotion to Jehovah and display their love for fellow humans.  (Matthew 22:37-39) The apostle Paul so valued the Christian ministry that he referred to it as a "treasure." -2 Corinthians 4:7. 

The most reliable history of the preaching activity of the early Christian is found in the inspired book of Acts, written by the disciple Luke.  It is a record of astonishing and rapid growth. This growth of the knowledge of God's Word reminds us of Psalm 147:15, which says: "[Jehovah] is sending his saying to the earth; with speed his word runs." The account of the early Christians, who were empowered by holy spirit, is both exciting and highly meaningful to us today.  Jehovah's Witnesses are engaged in the same work of preaching and disciple making, only on a much larger scale.  We also face problems similar to those faced by Christians in the first century. As we consider how Jehovah blessed and empowered the early Christians, our faith in his backing is strengthened.

Next time: Growth in the Number of Disciples

From the Watchtower magazine, 2001

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