
Christians Also Render Public Service

No human performs a public service as exalted as that of Jesus. When anointed Christians receive their heavenly reward, however, they take their place alongside Jesus and share in his public service as heavenly kings and priests.  (Revelation 20:6; 22:1-5) Yet, Christians on earth do perform public service, and they find great joy in doing so.   For example, when there was a food shortage in Palestine, the apostle Paul carried donations from brothers in Europe to help alleviate the distress of Jewish Christians in Judea.  That was public service.  (Romans 15:27; 2 Corinthians 9:12) Today, Christians are happy to render a similar service,  giving prompt assistance when their brothers experience  affliction, natural disasters, or other calamities. -Proverbs 14:21.

Paul referred to another public service when he wrote:  "Even if I am being poured  out like a drink offering upon the sacrifice and public service to which faith has led you, I am glad that I rejoice and I rejoice with all of you." (Philippians 2:17)   Paul's hard work in behalf of the Philippians had been a public service rendered with love and diligence.  A similar  public  service is being rendered today, especially  by anointed Christians, who serve as "the faithful and discreet slave," supplying spiritual food at the proper time.  (Matthew 24:45-47)  Further, as a group, these are "a holy priesthood," commissioned "to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ" and to "declare abroad the excellencies of the one that called [them] our of darkness into his wonderful light." (1 Peter 2:5, 9) Like Paul, they rejoice in such privileges even as they 'pour themselves out' in fulfilling their responsibilities.  And their "other sheep" companions join them and support them in the work of telling mankind about Jehovah and his purposes. (John 10:16; Matthew 24:14) What a grand and joyful public service that is! -Psalm 107:21, 22. 

Next time: Render Sacred Service

From the Watchtower magazine, 2000

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