
They Refuse to Serve at All

Most individuals do not just hesitate to serve God but flatly refuse to do so.  Their spirit is one of ingratitude, selfish independence, even rebellion. Satan enticed Adam and Eve into such a way of thinking. He wrongly said that they would "be like God, knowing good and bad"-able to decide for themselves what is right and what is wrong.  (Genesis 3;1-5) Those who have the same spirit today think that they should have complete freedom to do exactly what they desire without any obligation to God or interference from him. (Psalm 81:11, 12)  They want to use all that they possess in the pursuit of their own personal interests. -Proverbs 18:1. 

You probably do not share this extreme view. Likely you genuinely appreciate the gift of life you now enjoy and the even more wonderful prospect of living forever on a paradise earth.. (Psalm 37:10, 11; Revelation 21:1-4) You may be deeply grateful to Jehovah for his goodness to you.  But all of us need to be alert to the danger that Satan can distort our thinking in such a way that our service may actually become unacceptable to God.  (2 Corinthians 11:3) How might this happen? 

Next time: Willing Service Required

From the Watchtower magazine, 2000

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