
Render Sacred Service

Another Greek word having to do with our worship is la-trei'a, translated "sacred service" in the New World Translation.  (which by the way  says the same thing as the King James and the Gideon Bible)  Sacred service has to do with acts of worship. For example, the 84-year-old widow and prophetess Anna is described as "never missing from the temple, rendering sacred service [a Greek word related to la-trei'a]  night and day with fastings and supplications." (Luke 2:36, 37) Anna worshiped Jehovah with constancy. She is a fine example for all of us-young and old, men and women. Even as Anna prayed to Jehovah earnestly and worshiped him regularly at the temple, our sacred service includes prayer and meeting attendance. - Romans 12:12; Hebrews 10:24, 25.

The apostle Paul mentioned a major feature of our sacred service when he wrote:  "God to whom I render sacred service with my spirit in connection with the good news about his Son, is my witness of how without ceasing I always make mention of you in my prayers." (Romans 1:9) Yes, the preaching of the good news is not only a public service to those who hear it but also an act of worship to Jehovah God. Whether we find a receptive ear or not, the preaching work is sacred  service rendered to Jehovah. Our  endeavoring to tell others about the fine qualities and beneficent purposes  of our beloved heavenly Father certainly brings us great joy. -Psalm 71:23. 

Next time: Where Do We Render Sacred Service?

From the Watchtower magazine, 2000

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