
The Work of the True God

In 1953, Robert, Lila, and their children moved from a big city into a dilapidated old farmhouse in rural Pennsylvania, U.S.A. Shortly after moving in, Robert decided to install a bathroom underneath an enclosed flight of stairs. After removing several boards, he discovered that behind the wall, mice had stowed away shredded papers, empty walnut shells, and other debris.  There, in midst  of it all, lay a copy of the Golden Age magazine.  Robert was particularly interested in an article on the subject of raising children. He was so impressed  by the clear Bible-based direction given in the magazine that he told Lila that they were going to join "the religion of The Golden Age."  Within just a few weeks, Jehovah's Witnesses  came to their door, but Robert told them that their family was interested only in "the religion of The Golden Age."  The Witnesses explained that  "The Golden Age now had a new title, Awake! Robert and Lila began to study the Bible regularly with the Witnesses, and eventually  they got baptized.  They, in turn, sowed seeds of truth in their children and reaped bountifully. Today, more than 20 members  of this family, including all of Robert and Lila's seven  children, are baptized servants of Jehovah God. 

 Some 40 years ago, William and Ada, a married couple from Puerto Rico, had no interest in studying the Bible. Whenever Jehovah's Witnesses knocked on their door, the couple pretended not to be at home. One day William visited a junkyard to purchase  an item  needed for a repair at home. As he was leaving, he noticed a bright lime-green book lying in a large trash container. It was Religion, a book published by Jehovah's Witnesses back in 1940 . William took the book home and was thrilled  to read about the difference between false and true religion.  The next time Jehovah's Witnesses  called, William and Ada gladly listened to their message and began  to study the Bible with them.  Some months later they were baptized at the Divine Will International Assembly in 1958. Since then, they have helped more than 50 individuals to become part of our Christian brotherhood.

Karl was only 11 years old and somewhat mischievous. It seemed to him that he was always getting into trouble. His father a German Methodist preacher, had taught him that bad people burn in hell after death.  So Karl was very afraid of hell. One day in 1917, Karl noticed a printed piece  of paper on the street and picked it up. As he read it, his eyes quickly focused  on the question:  "What is hell?" The paper was an invitation to a public lecture on the subject of hell, sponsored by the Bible students, known today as Jehovah's Witnesses. About a year later, after several sessions of Bible study, Karl was baptized, thereby becoming one of the Bible Students. In 1925 he was invited to work at the world headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses-where he still serves.  A Christian career spanning over eight decades began with a piece of paper on the street.

True, it is beyond human ability to determine if and to what extent the angels were directly involved in these experiences. Still, we should never doubt that Jesus and the angels play and active role in the preaching work and that Jehovah can guide matters as he sees fit. These and many similar experiences illustrate the potential for good that our literature may have after it leaves our hands. 

Next time: We Have Been Entrusted With a Treasure

From the Watchtower magazine, 2000

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