
Knowing the Creator Better

The book helped people in many lands to know God better and to feel much closer to him. A reader in Fukuaka City, Japan, observed:  "It is as though the lens were precisely  focused on Jehovah for the first time.  The book is wonderfully convincing. I was able to come to know Jehovah from a standpoint I've never thought of until now." A Salvadoran wrote: "You explain very clearly how merciful, gracious, slow to anger, and abundant in loving-kindness God is. Truly, this is precisely what we need to be closer to him and to his Son.  It is the first book that explains the sentiments of Jehovah and the human feelings of his Son, Jesus." And a reader in Zambia responded:  "Jehovah took an altogether new meaning for me." 

Understandably, Jehovah's Witnesses are excited about sharing with others Is There a Creator Who Cares About You? On noted:  "As I finished reading chapter 10 ["If the Creator Cares, Why So Much Suffering?"], I just could not help but exclaim, 'This is exactly the book that we need in Japan!' I would  like to make the material in this chapter my own and use it in the field of service more and more." Another woman is studying the Bible with a girl who was brought up in a temple where her father is the priest. "She has a hard time accepting the concept of the Creator. There is nothing pushy in this book's explanation, but the facts are there, so I think even Buddhists can read it without hesitation. It also makes us feel Jehovah's love more."

From England cam the evaluation:  "I have just finished the Creator book and am about to start reading it again. What a marvelous book! One can only  love Jehovah when reading it. I have given one to my  neighbor, who after reading just two chapters said, 'I cannot put it down, it's so exciting.' I'm sure this will help people get to know and love our Grand Creator."

A man in Maryland, U.S.A., said: "It truly has been incisive to my spiritual bones and marrow!  I plan to give a copy to all the people I do business with. I sometimes find it difficult to begin a witness with such, busy educated people. With this book I will now find the appealing effective approach." Clearly, the book is There a Creator Who Cares About You? Will have a positive impact on people earth wide.

Next time: Why Did Saul Persecute Christians?

From the Watchtower magazine, 1999 

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