
Jesus-The Sower of Kingdom Truth

Jesus, a perfect man, had the power to provide many good things in a material way for the people of his time. For example, he could have cleared up many of the medical misconceptions of his day, or he could have advanced human understanding in other sciences. Yet, he made it clear very early in his ministry that his commission was that of preaching the good news.  (Luke 4:17-21) And toward the end of his ministry, he explained:  "For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, that  I should bear witness to the truth." (John 18:37) So he occupied himself with the sowing of the seeds of Kingdom truth. Teaching his contemporaries about God and His purposes was more important than any other education Jesus could have given them. -Romans 11:33-36.  

Jesus alluded to himself as the Sower of Kingdom truth.  (John 4:35-38) He spread seeds of good news at every opportunity. Even as he was dying on the stake, he proclaimed good news about a future earthly paradise.  (Luke 23:43) Moreover, his deep concern that the good news be preached did not end with his death on the torture staked. Before his ascension to heaven, he commanded the apostles to continue sowing sees of Kingdom truth and to make disciples. Then Jesus made a remarkable promise. He said:  "Look! I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things." -Matthew 28:19, 20. 

With these words Jesus made a commandment to support, direct, and safeguard the work of preaching the good news "all the  days until the conclusion of the system of things." Right down to our own day, Jesus continues to have a personal interest in the evangelizing work. He is our Leader, in charge of the sowing of Kingdom truth.  (Matthew 23:10) As Head of the Christian congregation, he is responsible  before Jehovah for worldwide  work. -Ephesians 1:22, 23; Colossians 1:18. 

Next time: The Angels Declare Glad Tidings

From the Watchtower magazine, 2000

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