
"Male and Female He Created Them"

When Adam was naming the animals, he saw that they had mates and that he did not. So when he set eyes on the beautiful creature that Jehovah had fashioned from his rib, he rejoiced. Realizing that she was uniquely a part of him. Adam exclaimed:  "This is at last bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh.  This one will be called Woman, because from man this one was taken." -Genesis 2:18-23. 

Man needed "a helper." Now he had one who was just right. Eve was perfectly suited to be Adam's complement-in caring for their garden home and the animals, in producing children, and support of a true companion. -Genesis 1:26-30. 

Jehovah supplied everything the couple could reasonably  desire.  By bringing Eve to her husband  and thereby sanctioning their union, God founded the institution of marriage and the family by which society was to be organized.  The Genesis account states:  "A man will leave his father and  his mother and he must stick to his wife (a female) and they must become one flesh.  And when Jehovah blessed the first married couple and told them to be fruitful, he clearly intended that every child be born into a caring family, with a father and a mother (male and female) to look after it. -Genesis 1:28; 2:24. 

Next time: "In God's Image

From the Watchtower magazine, 2000

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