
"Run in Such a Way"

IMAGINE yourself in a sports stadium jammed with excited people. The athletes march onto the field. The crowd roars as their heroes come into view. Judges are on hand to enforce the rules. As the events get under way, shouts of triumph mix with cries of disappointment. Deafening applause greets the victors! 

You are attending, not a modern sporting event, but on held some 2,000 years ago on the Isthmus of Corinth. Here, every two years from the sixth century B.C.E. to the fourth century C.E., the famous Isthmus Games were held. For many days the event captured the interest of all of Greece. The games were more than simple athletic contests. Athletes were symbols of military preparedness. The winners-idolized as heroes-receive crowns made of tree leaves. Gifts were lavished upon them, and the city gave  them a large pension for life.

The apostle Paul was familiar with the Isthmian Games near Corinth and compared a Christian's life course  to an athletic contest. By referring to runners, wrestlers, and boxers, he aptly illustrated the rewards of good training, well-directed efforts, and endurance. Of course, the Christians to whom  he wrote also knew about the games. Some had undoubtedly  been among the shouting crowds at the stadium. So they would readily appreciate Paul's illustrations.  What about us today?  We too are in a race-for everlasting life. How can we benefit from Paul's references to those contests?  

Next time: 'Contending According to the Rules'

From the Watchtower magazine, 2001

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