

AT ONE time or another, nearly everyone feels the need to pray. In fact, people of almost every religious persuasion pray earnestly.  For instance, thousands of time a day, a Buddhist may repeat the prayer "I place my faith in Amida Budda."

In view of the problems that persist earth wide, it is reasonable to ask:  What do people expect to achieve by praying? Are all these prayers doing any good? 

Why Do People Pray?

Many Orientals pray to their ancestors and to the gods of Shinto or Tao.  They do so in hopes of passing examinations in school, reaping good crops, or warding off diseases. By their efforts, Buddhists hope  to gain enlightenment. Hindus pray devoutly to their favorite gods and goddesses for knowledge, wealth, and protection.  

( Note: They are praying to the wrong god. What they are accomplishing is idolatry. There is only one God and in order for prayers to be answered, you need more than just belief in God)

Some Catholics hope to benefit mankind by devoting their lives as monks or nuns in closed monasteries or convents, praying continually.  Millions of Catholics seek favors from Mary by saying memorized prayers, perhaps with the aid of rosary beads. In Oriental  lands, many people  use prayer wheels.  Protestants repeat the words of the Lord's  Prayer, though they may also express their feelings to God spontaneously. Many Jews travel great distances to pray at the Western Wall in Jerusalem, hoping for a restoration of the temple and a new age of prosperity and peace. Though millions exert themselves in prayer, human society is increasingly plagued with problems of poverty, addiction, broken families, crime, and war. Could it be that all these people are not praying in the right way? For that matter, does anyone really hear prayers?  

Note: Yes, God hears prayers; but, as I said, you have to have more than belief in God. You have to have strong faith and love in God; and patience to wait until he is ready to answer your prayer. I have had many prayers answered. You cannot ask for material things a lot or things like praying for football teams to win, etc.. You have to be sincere, because believe it or not, God can read your heart and mind and he knows if you are sincere. He can also see you, so you cannot pull any garbage on him. There is one other thing that most people don't know, when you are in another city, state, country; you cannot attend a another religious facility that uses rosary beads,  statutes, crosses, any religion that uses images  to worship. You need to go to your own place of worship. ) 

Next time: Does Anyone Hear Prayers?

From the Watchtower magazine, 2000

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