
Is Man Destroying His Own Food Supply?

Variety-Essential to Life

IN THE 1840's, Ireland's population exceeded eight million, making it the most densely populate country in Europe.  Potatoes were its dietary mainstay, and a single variety called lumpers was the most widely grown.

In 1845, the farmers planted their lumpers as usual, but blight struck and wiped out almost the entire crop.  "Most of Ireland survived that difficult year," wrote Paul Raeburn in his book The Last Harvest-the Genetic Gamble That Threatens to Destroy American Agriculture.  "The devastation came the next year.  Farmers had no choice but to plant the same potatoes again.  They had no other varieties .  The blight struck again, this time with overwhelming force.  The suffering was indescribable."  Historians estimate that up to 1 million people died of starvation, while another 1.5 millions emigrated, most to the United States.  Those remaining suffered from crushing poverty.

In the Andes of South America, farmers grew many varieties of potatoes, and only a few were affected by the blight. Hence, there was no epidemic. Clearly, diversity of species and diversity with species provide protection. The growing of just one uniform crops runs counter to this basic survival strategy and leaves plants exposed to disease or pests, which can decimate an entire region's  harvest.  this is why many farmers  depend so heavily on the frequent use of pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides,m even though such chemicals are often environmentally hazardous. 

So why do farmer replace their many folk varieties with one uniform crop?  Usually in response to economical ease of harvesting, attractiveness o the product, resistance to spoilage, and high productivity.  These trends began in earnest int eh 1960's  with what came to be called the green revolution. 

Next time: Is Man Destroying His Own Food Supply? - Variety -Essential to Life/ The Green Revolution

From the Awake! magazine 

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