

Bearing the Consequences

The Bible states: "Good it is for an able-bodied man that he should carry the yoke during his youth." (Lamentations 3:27) One of the best ways a youth can bear the yoke of responsibility is to learn by experience the truthfulness of the statement:  "Whatever  a man is sowing, this he will also reap." -Galatians 6:7. 

Likely with good intentions, some parents shield their teens from the consequences of unwise actions.  For instance, suppose through frivolous spending a son gets himself into debt. What lesson will b taught if Dad and Mom simply pay it off for him?  On the other hand, what lesson would be taught if the boy's parents helped him to work a plan to pay off the debt himself?

Parents do their children no favor when they fail to allow them to learn the consequences of irresponsible behavior.  Rather than prepare them for adulthood, this only teaches them that someone will always be there to bail them out, clean up their messes, and cover up their mistakes. It is far better to give teens the opportunity to reap what they have sown and to learn how to work through their problems.  This is an important aspect of having their "perceptive powers trained to distinguish both right and wrong." -Hebrews 5:14. 

Next time: RAISING ADOLESCENTS The Role of Wisdom/"A Changing, Developing Person" 

From the Awake! magazine 

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