

Conclusion of  Mankind's Failed Efforts

Despite their talk of peace, the nations continue to invent and manufacture arms.  The countries that sponsor peace conferences are often the very ones that lead in the manufacturing of weapons. Powerful commercial interests in these countries promote the production of death-dealing armaments, including  diabolic land mines that every year kill or main some 26,000 civilian adults and children. Greed and  corruption are motivating forces. Bribes and kickbacks are part and parcel of the international arms trade. Some politicians enrich themselves from this source.

In December 1995 Polish physicist and winner of the Nobel Prize for Peace Joseph Rotblat called on the nations to end the arms race.  He said:  "The only was to prevent  [a new arms race] is to abolish war altogether."  Do you think that this is likely to happen? (Note: No!  not with Satan in charge of this world right now.  Man is not capable of fixing anything.  This world would be in better shape; and God, and not Satan would be the governing body of this world, the way it was suppose to be before Satan challenged God's integrity and sovereignty ) From 1928 onward, 62 nations ratified the Kellogg-Brian Pact, renouncing war as a way of settling differences.  World War II clearly demonstrated that the pact was not worth the paper it was written on.

Undeniably, war has been a constant stumbling stone on mankind's pathway of history. As Gwynne Dyer wrote:  "war is a central institution in human civilization, and it has a history precisely as long as civilization."  Yes, virtually every civilization and empire has had its revered military heroes,m its standing armies, its famous battles, its sacrosanct military academies, and its stockpile of weapons.  However, our century has been marked by war more than an other, both in destructiveness and in loss of life.  

Note: These s0-called men, call themselves macho and cannot stand the thought of being outdone by anyone else, nation or country.   Which is why they cannot stop having wars. They are trying to prove just how much tougher they can be over others. It does not work and it never will.

It is obvious that the world's leaders have ignored the basic wisdom of Jeremiah 10:23:  "I well know, O Jehovah, that  to earthling man his way does not belong. It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step."   Without God in the picture, there can be no true peace. Doe all of this mean, then, that war is inevitable in a civilized society?  Does it mean that peace-true peace-is an impossible dream? 

Next time: TRUE PEACE-FROM WHAT SOURCE? -Getting to the Root Cause

From the Watchtower magazine, 1997


Mankind's Failed Efforts

For centuries, men and nations have spoken about peace, have debated peace, have signed hundreds of peace treaties. What has been the result? In the last 80 years, there has virtually never been a moment when some nation or group has not been at war.Clearly, peace has eluded mankind. So the question is, Why have all men's efforts to establish international peace failed, and why is man incapable of bringing about true peace that will endure?

The simple answer is that mankind has not turned to the right source for true peace. Under the influence of Satan the Devil, men have created organizations that fall victim to their own weaknesses and vices-their greed  and ambition, their lust for power and prominence.  They have gone to institutions for higher learning and have established foundations and think tanks, which have only  thought out more means of oppression  and destruction.  To what source have humans been directed?  Where have they looked?

Back in  1919 the nations put their trust in the League of Nations to establish permanent peace.  That hope was shattered by Mussolini's  invasion of Ethiopia in 1935 and the civil war in Spain beginning in 1936.  The League sank into oblivion with the outbreak of World War II in 1939. The so-called peace had not even lasted 20 years. 

What about the United Nations? (worthless in my opinion as well)   Has it provided any real hope of lasting peace earth wide? Hardly, over 150 wars  and armed conflicts have been fought since its inception in 1945! It is no wonder that Gwynne Dyer, a Canadian student of war and its origins, described the U.N. as "an association of  poachers turned gamekeepers, not an assembly  of saints," and "a largely powerless talking shop." -Compare Jeremiah 6:14; 8:15. 

Next time: Conclusion of  Mankind's Failed Efforts

From the Watchtower magazine, 1997


"[Jehovah] is making wars to cease to the extremity of the earth." -PSALM 46:9. 

"THE work of the true righteous must become  peace; and the service of of the true righteousness, quietness, and  security to time indefinite. And my people must dwell in a peaceful abiding place and in residence of full confidence and in undisturbed resting-places." (Isaiah 32:17, 18)  What a beautiful promise!  It is a promise of true peace brought about by God.

What, though, is true peace?  Is it simply the absence of war?  Or is it merely a period  during which nations prepare for the next war? Is true peace just a dream?  Those are questions to which we need reliable answers.  First, true peace is much more than a dream.  God's promised peace goes far beyond anything that this world can imagine.  (Isaiah 64:4) it is not peace for a few years or a few decades. It endures forever!  And it is not pace just for the privileged few-it embraces heaven and earth, angels and humans.  It reaches  out to people of all nations, ethnic groups, languages, and colors. It knows no frontier, no barriers, no failures. -Psalm 72:7, 8; Isaiah 48:18. 

True peace means peace every day. It means that you wake up each morning without a thought of war, without having to worry about your future, even your grandchildren's future. It means complete peace of m ind.  (Colossians 3:15) It means no more crime, no more violence, no more families torn apart, no more homeless people, no more people starving or freezing, and no more despair and frustration.  Better still, God's peace means a world without sickness, pain, sorrow,  or death.  (Revelation 21:4) What a magnificent hope we have of enjoying true peace forever!  Is not this the kind of peace and happiness that all of us yearn for? Is not this the kind of peace that we  should pray and work for? 

Next time: TRUE PEACE --FROM WHAT SOURCE? -Mankind's Failed Efforts

From the Watchtower magazine, 1997


"The God of Peace" Cares for the Afflicted

Soon-A World Without Affliction!

The Creator promises that by means of his Kingdom, he will soon do away with  mankind's afflictions. How will he accomplish this? By removing Satan the Devil, the chief instigator of affliction and the foremost enemy of peace, whom the Bible identifies as "the god of this system of things." (2 Corinthians 4:4) But soon his [Satan's]  over mankind will end. His being eliminated will open the way for countless blessing to come to those who fear God. The Bible promises that Jehovah will "wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning, not outcry, nor pain be anymore>  The former things have passed away." -Revelation 21:1-4. 

Does a world without affliction sound too good to be true?  We are so accustomed to living with adversity that we are hard-pressed  to imagine its absence.  But freedom from fear, anxiety, and calamity is just what God purposed for mankind at creation, and his purpose will succeed. -Isaiah 55:10,11.

This is the hope that Sonia, Fabiana, and Ana, mentioned in the opening article, found. Sonia, whose two sons died of AIDS, gained much peace from the hope that the Bible holds out-a resurrection  of the righteous and unrighteous.  (Acts 24:15) "One thing is certain," she says,  "our hope surpasses any pain whatsoever."

While still living in the orphanage, Ana was visited by one of Jehovah's Witnesses.  "She showed me Jehovah's name in the Bible," says Ana,  "and I cried for joy. I needed help badly, and I learned that there is a God who cares for us." After leaving the orphanage, Ana accepted  a Bible study and learned more about Jehovah's promises. Then she dedicated her life to Jehovah and symbolized it by baptism.  "Since then I have continued to rely on Jehovah through prayer and I am comforted by the assurance that he will help me." 

Fabiana too has found much comfort and peace of mind in her affliction by learning about God's  promises for the future.  "Learning the truth from the Bible is like leaving a very dark and gloomy place and entering a clear, bright, and pleasant room." -Compare Psalm 118:5. 

But how and when will literal peace all around the globe come about?  Let us see in the following articles. 


From the Watchtower magazine, 1997

"The God of Peace" Cares for the Afflicted

Conclusion of How God Helps the Afflicted

Prayer also helps us to keep  our mental balance, so that our affliction does not overwhelm us.  The  apostle Paul wrote:  "In everything by prayer and supplication along with the thanksgiving let your  petitions be made known to God."  With what result?  "The peace of God that excels all thought will guard your hearts and your mental powers  by means of Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:6, 7)  Yes, peace, the peace of God. That peace "excels all thought," so it can stabilize us when we are burdened with distressing emotions.  It will 'guard our hearts and mental powers,' thus helping us to avoid reacting rashly and unwisely, which could add to our affliction. -Ecclesiastes 7:7.

 Prayer can do still more. It can  make a difference in how a situation works out.  Consider a Bible example.  When the apostle Paul was imprisoned in Rome, he encouraged fellow Christian to pray in his behalf. Why? "I exhort you more especially to do this," he wrote to them, "that I may be restored to you the sooner." (Hebrews 13:19) Paul knew that the persistent prayers of his fellow believers would make a difference  as to when he would be released. -Philemon 22. 

Will prayer change the  outcome of your affliction?  It may. We should realize, though, that Jehovah does not always answer our prayers in the manner that we expect. Paul, for example, prayed repeatedly  regarding his "thorn in the flesh"-perhaps a physical problem related to his eyesight. Instead of removing the affliction, God told Paul:  "My undeserved kindness is sufficient for you; for my power is being made perfect in weakness." -2 Corinthians 12:7-9. 

So at times our adversities will not be removed. Rather, we will have opportunity to prove our reliance on our Creator.  (Acts 14:22) Furthermore, we can be assured that even if Jehovah does not remove the affliction, he will "make the way out in order for [us] to be able to endure it." (1 Corinthians 10:13) Yes, it is for good reason that Jehovah is called "the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation." (2 Corinthians 1:3, 4) He gives us what we need to endure with considerable peace. 

Next time: "The God of Peace" Cares for the Afflicted -Soon-A World Without Affliction!

From the Watchtower magazine, 1997

"The God of Peace" Cares for the Afflicted

How God Helps the Afflicted

As we have seen when David suffered affliction, he  earnestly prayed to God to God for guidance. At the same time, he took the initiative to alleviate the situation, using ingenuity to escape his pursuers. Thus, reliance on Jehovah combined with personal effort enabled David to endure his adversity. What can we learn from this? 

When we are faced with affliction, it is certainly not wrong for us to take reasonable initiative to solve the problem.  For example, if a Christian finds himself unemployed, will he not put forth the effort to find work?  Or if he is suffering from a physical ailment, will he not seek medical attention?  Indeed,m even Jesus, who had the power to cure all types of sickness, acknowledge that 'the ailing need a physician.'  (Matthew  9:12; compare 1 Timothy 5:23) Of course some adversities cannot be removed; they simply must  be endured. Nevertheless, a true Christian does not view suffering as a virtue in itself, as do some.  (Compare 1 Kings 18:28) Rather, he takes whatever steps he can to cope with his affliction.

At the same time, though, it is reasonable to take the matter to Jehovah in prayer.  Why?  First,  by leaning on our Creator, we are helped to "make sure of the more important things."  (Philippians 1:10) For instance, when searching for employment, prayerful reliance on God will us not to accept work that conflicts with Bible principles.  We will also avoid being  "led astray from the faith" by the love of money.  (1 Timothy 6:10)  Really, when making weighty decisions-regarding employment or any other facet of life-we need to follow David's admonition:  "Throw your burden upon Jehovah himself, and he himself will sustain you. Never will he allow the righteous one to totter." -Psalm 55:22. 

Next time: Conclusion of How God Helps the Afflicted

From the Watchtower magazine, 1997


"The God of Peace" Cares for the Afflicted

Conclusion of Jehovah Cares for You

 "You people must not afflict any widow or fatherless boy. If you should afflict him at all, then if he cries out to me at all, I shall unfailingly hear his outcry; and my anger  will indeed blaze." -Exodus 22:22-24.

"Shall not God cause justice to be done for his chosen ones who cry out to him day and night, even though he is long-suffering toward them?" -Luke 18:7.

"He will deliver the poor one crying for help, also the afflicted one, and the souls of the poor ones he will save. From oppression and violence he will redeem their soul, and their blood will be precious in his eyes." -Psalm 72:12-14. 
"He that is touching you [God's people on earth] is touching my eyeball." -Zechariah 2:8. 

These few examples illustrate our Creator's deep interest in the welfare of his people. Hence, we have good reason to follow the apostle Peter's admonition: "Throw all your anxiety upon him, because he cares for you." (! Peter 5:7)  But how will God help us during times of affliction? 

Next time: "The God of Peace" Cares for the Afflicted - How God Helps the Afflicted

From the Watchtower magazine, 1997

"The God of Peace" Cares for the Afflicted

Jehovah Cares for You

Jehovah is not aloof concerning the adversities of his people.  (Psalm 34:15) He is attentive to the needs not only of his servants as a group but also of each individual who fears him.  When dedicating the temple in Jerusalem, Solomon implored Jehovah to listen to "whatever prayer, whatever request for favor there may occur ion the part of any man or of all your people  Israel, because they know each one his own plague and his own pain." (Chronicles 6:29) As Solomon acknowledged, each individual has his own unique affliction to endure.For one person it might be physical illness. For another, emotional distress. Some may be afflicted by the death of a loved one. Unemployment, economic  hardship, and family problems are also common afflictions in these difficult times.

Think for a moment about 'your own plague and your own pain." At times you have perhaps felt as did the psalmist David, who wrote: "I kept hoping for someone to show sympathy, but there  was none; and for comforters, but i found none," Yet, you can be assured that God cares about your situation, for later in the same psalm,m David wrote: "Jehovah is listening to the poor ones, and he will indeed not despise his very own prisoners." -Psalm  69:20, 33. 

Applying David's words in a broad sense,m we can rest assured that the Creator of  mankind listens to the prayers of those who are imprisoned, so to speak, by their afflictions. More than that, he reacts to their plight.  Consider the following statements that reveal Jehovah's compassion for the afflicted. 

Next time: Conclusion of  Jehovah Cares for You

From the Watchtower magazine, 1997

"The God of Peace" Cares for the Afflicted

THE Bible makes it clear that David of old was no stranger to affliction. For several years he lived as a fugitive, relentlessly pursued by a wicked and obstinate king, who was bent on killing him. During this period of affliction, David hid  himself in isolated places.  But he did something more. He  earnestly prayed  to Jehovah about his adversity.  "With my voice, to Jehovah I proceeded to call for aid," he later wrote regarding his ordeal.  "Before him I kept pouring out my concern; before him I continued to tell him about my own distress." - Psalm 142:1, 2. 

Today, some would mock David's reliance on God. They would say that prayer is just a psychological crutch and that in practical terms it is a waste of time.  Yet, David's  confidence in God was not misplaced, for his enemies were eventually defeated. Looking back on his experience, David wrote:  "This afflicted one called , and Jehovah himself heard. And out of  all his distresses, he saved him." (Psalm 34:6) The true God to whom David turned is elsewhere called "the God of peace." (Philippians 4:9; Hebrews 13:20)  Will he bring relief from affliction resulting in peace for us? 

Next time: "The God of Peace" Cares for the Afflicted -Jehovah Cares for You

From the Watchtower magazine, 1997


TRUE PEACE/From What Source?

Will the Afflicted Ever Have Peace?

WOULD you like to see an end to suffering, not only for yourself but for all mankind?  Consider these examples:

Sonia has had more than her share of affliction.  First, she discovered that her husband had been having an adulterous affair for ten years.  Then her youngest son became infected infected with HIV and died of AIDS. Two years later her other son became ill, and soon he too died of AIDS.  "The final phase of his disease lasted so long," Sonia recalls.  "He suffered intense depression, lost his hair, and could not see well.  It was very sad." 

Fabiana, a Brazilian university student, was concerned about the world's social injustices. Then tragedy struck her own life. Her brother suffering from depression, committed suicide. When Fabiana lost her job, a friend suggested that she seek a pai-de-santo (witch doctor) reasoning that for Fabiana to suffer  such misfortune someone must have cast a spell on her!  But the pai-de-santo brought no relief. Instead, Fabiana felt tormented, unable to sleep because of her adversities. 

Ana's affliction began much earlier in life.  "When I was one year old," she relates, "my mother abandoned me, so I was taken in my grandmother." Then, when Ana was only three years old, her grandmother died. Ana was sent to an orphanage in Rio de Janeiro, where she remained  until she was 13.  "We were treated very badly there, and I became rebellious," she says.  "As I grew up, I fought against just about everything." 

Affliction seems to touch the life of every human in one way or another. Indeed, we encounter stories of human tragedy on a daily basis-whenever we watch, read, or listen to the news.  "Not until our . . . of mass communication did it become practically impossible to escape constant bombardment by bad news," writes Mary Sykes Wylie.  "Wars, natural disasters, industrial catastrophes, highway carnage, crime, terrorism,  sexual abuse, rape, domestic violence-all make trauma a horrible and daily leitmotif of the 20th century." The Christian apostle Paul realistically summed up the human experience:   "All creation keeps on groaning together and being in pain." -Romans 8:22. 

What about you? Are you experiencing affliction? What relief can you expect?  Will you ever attain true peace? Sonia,Fabiana, and Ana found genuine  comfort and a real measure of peace!  You can read about it in the following article. 

Next time: TRUE PEACE/ From What Source? -"The God of Peace" Cares for the Afflicted

From the Watchtower magazine, 1997

HELP FOR THE FAMILY/PARENTING - When Your Child Asks About Death


Take advantage of opportunities to talk about death.  If you child sees a dead bird on the side of the road or if a beloved pet dies, use simple questions to encourage him to talk. For example, you could ask: "Does a dead animal suffer?  Is it cold or hungry? How do you know that an animal or a person is dead?" -Bible principle: Ecclesiastes 3:1, 7. 

Do not hide the truth.  When an acquaintance or a relative has died, avoid using confusing euphemisms such as "He has gone away."  Your child might wrongly conclude that the deceased will soon return home. Instead, use simple and direct words. For example, you might say:  "When Grandma died, her body stopped working.  We can't talk to her, but we will never forget her." -Bible principle:  Ephesians 4:25. 

Reassure your child. He might think that his actions  caused some one's death. Instead of just saying that he is not responsible for what happened, you could ask:  "What makes you think  that  it is your fault?  Listen carefully, without belittling his feeling.  Also, since a young child might think that death is contagious, assure him that he is safe. 

Draw out your child. Talk freely about loved ones who have died, including relatives whom your child  has never met. You might evoke fond memories of an aunt, an uncle, or a grandparent and relate amusing anecdotes. When  you openly discuss such people,  you help your child understand that he need not avoid talking or thinking about them.  You can always broach the subject later, when you feel the time is right. -Bible principle: Proverbs 20:5. 

Next time: TRUE PEACE /From What Source? -Will the Afflicted Ever Have Peace?

From the Awake!  magazine, 2015


When Your Child Asks About Death


Children  do think about death. Some even play games in which someone pretends to die. Therefore, death should not be considered a taboo subject, and you should welcome any questions your child may have about it. By occasionally talking openly about death, you help your child learn how to cope with the loss of a loved one. 

Talking about death will not cause your child to have morbid thoughts. Rather, it will help him alleviate fears. However, you may need to correct some misunderstandings.  For example, some experts say that many  children under the age of six do not view death as final,, in their games, a  child will be "dead" one moment and "alive' the next. 

when they get a little older, however, children begin to grasp the seriousness of death-a fact that may cause them to have questions, concerns, or even fears, especially if a loved one has died. Therefore,m  it is vital that you discuss the subject. Mental-health expert Marion Haze points out:  "A child will develop anxieties related to death if he feels that he is not allowed to ask about this subject at home."

You need not worry excessively about what to say. According to one study, children just want to "hear the truth expressed in kind words." Be assured that a  child will usually not ask a question unless he is ready to hear the answer. 

Next time: HELP FOR THE FAMILY/PARENTING -When Your Child Asks About Death; WHAT YOU CAN DO

From the Awake! magazine, 2015



"Riches are the ransom for a man's life, but the poor are not even threatened." -PROVERBS 13:8.

WHILE being rich may have certain advantages, wealth is a mixed blessing, especially in our perilous times.  (2 Timothy 3:1-5) In some lands, the wealthy including tourists who look affluent, have become targets of thieves and kidnappers seeking a ransom.

Concerning one developing country, a news report stated: "Violent robberies, fraud, and kidnapping  pit the haves against the have-nots. Restaurants post armed guards; the homes of the wealthy have walls and razor-wire, floodlights, cameras and security guards." A similar situation exists in many other lands. 

Yet "the poor," the Bible says, "are not even threatened."  How can you benefit from that gem of wisdom? If you live in an area known for crime and violence or if you have come to travel to such a place, do not attract attention to yourself by appearing to be affluent.  Think carefully about what you wear and carry in public, especially if your possessions would be noticed. "The shrewd one sees the danger," says Proverbs 22:3, "but the inexperienced keep right on going and suffer the consequences."

The wisdom recorded in the Bible reflects our Creator's care for us. He wants us to be safe. Such 'wisdom is a protection," says Ecclesiastes 7:12, for it 'preserves the life of its owner." 

Next time: HELP FOR THE FAMILY/PARENTING - When  Your Child Asks  About Death

From the Awake! magazine, 2015


BIBLE PRINCIPLE: "Clothe yourselves with love, for it is a perfect bond of union." -Colossians 3:14. 

THE BENEFITS: The love predominately mentioned  in the Bible is not the romantic  or sexual kind. Rather, it is a principled  love characterized by such qualities as compassion, forgiveness, humility, loyalty, kindness, mildness, and patience.  (Micah 6:8; Colossians 3:12, 13) Unlike romantic infatuation, which usually fades with time, love can keep growing indefinitely . 

Brenda, who has been married for nearly 30 years, says:  "The love newlyweds  have for each other is nothing compared with the love you have as a marriage grows through time." 

Sam, a husband for over 12 years, observed: "My wife and I have always been delighted -even surprised-at how effective Bible counsel is, and how simple!  You apply it, and things go smoothly.  However, as much as I want to say that I always apply it, on occasion, I haven't , such as when I was feeling over sensitive, a bit selfish, or tired. At those times, I ask Jehovah to help me dispel any negative feelings.  Then I give my wife a hug, and before long, it's like nothing unpleasant happened!"

Jesus Christ said that "wisdom is vindicated by its results." (Matthew 11:19)  In the light of that truth, the Bible  has all the hallmarks of genuine wisdom,its teachings and values work. They are timeless.  The transcend culture and nationality. And they reflect such deep insight into human nature that  they point  to a higher Source-our Creator, Jehovah God.  The proof, of course, is in the application. Hence,, the Bible invites us to "taste and see that Jehovah is good." (Psalm 34:8) Will you accept that invitation? 


From the Awake! magazine, 2015


BIBLE PRINCIPLE: "Let marriage be honorable among all, and let the marriage bed be without defilement." -Hebrews 13:4.

THE BENEFITS:  Some  people consider those words antiquated. But they are wrong-dead wrong!  Unfaithfulness hurts as deeply today as it did when the Bible was penned. -Proverbs 6:34, 35. 

Jessie, who is both a husband and a father, wrote: "Marital faithfulness has contributed greatly to my strong relationship with my wife and to our happiness.  Indeed, trust is very important in a marriage. Infidelity destroys that trust"-not to mention the further effects it has on children!

Ligaya, put her marriage in jeopardy.  "I began to associate with bad people," she says, "This led to my taking part in wild nightlife and to cheating on my husband." Dd this way of life make her happy?  She and her husband constantly argued, and she was miserable. She adds:  "When I reflected on the embarrassing mess I had gotten myself into, I realized  just how right my parents were when they used to say, 'Bad associations corrupt good morals.' " -1 Corinthians 15:33. 

Ligaya continues:  "Before things got worse, I decided to stop my bad ways and study the Bible-this time applying its teachings."  The results?  She saved her marriage, and her husband began to treat her more kindly and respectfully.  "The Bible changed my life," she says,  "and I have no regrets about leaving my old ways and so-called friends."


From the Awake! magazine, 2015



BIBLE PRINCIPLE:  "A stupid person gives vent to all his feelings, but the wise one calmly keeps them in check." -Proverbs 29:11. 

THE BENEFITS:  If you were to list all the benefits of self-control, you would need reams of paper! At the very least, this quality protects our physical healthy.  "A calm heart  gives life  [or, "health," ] to the body," the Bible says.  It also states that "a joyful heart is good medicine." (Proverbs 14:30; 17:22) Conversely, studies show that people who are prone to anger and hostility increase  their risk  of ill health, especially cardiovascular disease. Of course, the benefits of self-control go far beyond physical health. 

Cassius, now in his 30's, recalls:  "I was quarrelsome and hot-tempered, and I often picked fights. I had very little self-respect.  But all that changed when I began  to  apply Bible principles.  I learned to control my temper and to cultivate humility  and a forgiving spirit.  Otherwise, I might have ended up in prison. Indeed, I feel as though I have been raised from the dead!" 


From  the Awake! magazine, 2015


BIBLE PRINCIPLE:  "Who may be a guest in [God's] tent? . . .The one who is walking faultlessly, practicing what is right and speaking the truth in his heart." -Psalm 15:1, 2.

THE BENEFITS:  Most people value honesty and integrity.  But what if an opportunity  arises for a person to profit from dishonesty-and get away with it?Now the spotlight in on the heart, the inner person. 

Raquel, whose work involved purchasing supplies , said:  "Certain sales agents offered me kickbacks.  They promised that if I bought from them, they would pass some of the discount on to me instead of to my company.  But I recalled the Bible's counsel on honesty and said no. My boss heard about this, and her confidence in me grew."

Had Raquel  been seduced by the offer, she might have profited financially in the short term.  But what if her employer found out? Would Raquel have kept her job:? And what about her future job prospects?  More important to Raquel were her conscience and self-respect.  "A good name is to be chosen rather than great wealth, to be respected is better than silver and gold," says Proverbs 22:1.

Jessie too was honest and reliable, thus earning a good name with  his employer.  The benefits?  Not only was he given a managerial position but he was also entrusted with more flexibility in his work schedule. As a result, he was able to spend more time with his wife and children and in spiritual activities. 

When looking for prospective employees, some employers have gone to groups that are known for their honesty.  For example, a company  manager in the Philippines wrote to the local office of Jehovah's Witnesses inviting Witnesses to apply for work. They are "hardworking, honest, and dedicated," he said.   The credit for this, however, goes to Jehovah God, who teaches us to "hate what is bad" and to "love what is good." -Amos 5:15.


From the Awake! magazine, 2015


Hilton loved boxing. At his age of seven, he was getting into fights-both in and out of the ring! When in high school, he would roam about with friends, looking for someone to beat up. "I stole, gambled, watched pornography, harassed women, and swore at my parents," he says.  "My behavior was such that my parents considered my beyond reform. After I finished high school, I left home."

When Hilton returned 12 years later, his parents could hardly believe this was their son! He was calm, controlled,  and respectful.  What led to this astonishing transformation?  While he was away, he began  to reflect seriously  on where his life was headed.  He also examined the Bible to see if it could help him change his ways. "I applied  what I read in the Bible," said Hilton, "which meant getting rid of my old personality and obeying the command at Ephesians 6:2, 3 to honor my parents.  For the first time in my life, I found genuine happiness, and  I brought joy to my father and mother, not more heartache!" 

Hilton's story underscores both the relevance and the transforming power of Bible values.  (Hebrews 4:12) Let us consider some of those values-namely, honesty, self-control, fidelity, and love-and how they can greatly enrich lives. 


From the Awake! magazine, 2015


Conclusion of She Stuck to Her Beliefs - An interview with Song Hee Kang

That was quite an offer!  What did you and your mother do?

Although no one seemed willing to perform the surgery without blood, we firmly decided to stick to our beliefs.  Then things got even more complicated. Legally, I was still a minor. So because my condition was becoming critical, my case went to court. Thankfully, however, the Florida state attorney gave us 30 days  to find a surgeon  who would respect my wishes. 

Did you find someone?

Yes! The local Hospital Liaison Committee of Jehovah's Witnesses kindly contacted  a scoliosis specialists in New York who felt positive about the procedure and agreed to see me . So we met the court's deadline.  

How did the surgery go?

It was a complete success! In order to straighten out my spine, the surgeon Dr. Robert M. Bernstein, the surgeon, inserted adjustable rods into my back. He performed the surgery in two stages two weeks apart. 

Why two stages?

If the first procedure had resulted in significant blood loss, the interval would have given my body time to produce more red blood cells prior to the second procedure. As things worked out, in both procedures I lost very little blood, thanks to the surgical team's good planning, skill, and meticulous work. I also made a strong recovery, free of the complications that can result from blood transfusion.

How did your surgeon feel about the outcome?

He was delighted!  "Medical care," he said, "is not just about performing operations." Doctors, he felt, should take the whole patient into account, including his or her beliefs and values.  Many people besides Jehovah's Witnesses would fully endorse that view.  


* Scoliosis is not caused by poor posture or a lack of calcium 

* Spinal deformities are not contagious

* Braces do not straighten the spine but may prevent further progression of the curve. 

* Scoliosis surgery does not interfere with future childbearing. 

* There is no known prevention for many spinal deformities

 * Smoking hampers bone healing


From the Awake! magazine, 2015

She Stuck to Her Beliefs -An interview with Song Hee Kang

When Song Hee was 11 years old her mother noticed an abnormal curve in her daughter's back.  A doctor diagnosed  scoliosis, a lateral, or sideways , curvature of the spine, the shape of the letter  "C" or "S." Song Hee's condition became so bad that surgery was  needed. But Song Hee would not accept  a blood transfusion.  "Awake!" asked her about her experience. 

When you were first diagnosed, were doctors able to help you? 

For about three years, I was monitored by doctors, but the curvature in my spine continued to increase.  In fact, it became so bad that my spine began pressing  against my heart and lungs, making breathing difficult. Surgery was the unavoidable next step.

Did you agree to surgery?

Yes. But I was told that the operation would be difficult. By then, my spinal curvature was 116 degrees, which is very severe.  In my case, however, surgery posed a special challenge.  Because of my religious convictions, which are based on the Bible, I would not accept a blood transfusion.

Did you find a surgeon who was willing to do the procedure?

My mother and I saw a specialist in my home state of Florida, U.S.A. However, when I told him that I would not accept a blood, he said that no surgeon would perform such a complicated procedure on me under those circumstances. What is more , he said that I might not live to be 20 without surgery. I was only 14. 

Did you explain to him the reason for your convictions?

Yes. I told him that  my beliefs were based on the Bible, pointing out that God declared blood sacred, whether human or animal.  For an Israelite, even eating blood was a capital offense!  I also showed him Acts 15::19, 20. Addressed to Christians, It says in part:  "Abstain from . . .blood."   This means it should not be taken into one's body in any way-orally or intravenously. 

How did the surgeon respond? 

He still insisted that he would have to administer a blood transfusion. And to my surprise, the hospital said that if I accepted blood, they would not charge anything for the operation.  

Next time: Conclusion of She Stuck to Her Beliefs- An interview with Song Hee Kang

From the Awake! magazine, 2015


Will God forever tolerate badness?

WHAT MANY BELIEVE Because of human nature, badness will  always be with us. 

WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS The prophet Habakkuk prayed to Jehovah God:  "Why do you tolerate oppression? Why are destruction and violence before me? And why do quarreling and conflict abound?" (Habakkuk 1:3) Leaving  his  troubled prophet in no doubt, God assured him that He would call the wicked to account. About that promise God said:  "It will without fail come true.  It will not be late!" - Habakkuk 2:3.

In the meantime, wrongdoers have opportunity  to turn away from their bad  course.  " 'Do I take any pleasure at all in the death of a wicked person?' declares the Sovereign Lord Jehovah. 'Do I not prefer that he turn away from his ways and keep living?' " (Ezekiel 18:23) Those who seek Jehovah by abandoning their bad ways can look to the future with confidence . "The one listening to me will dwell in security and be undisturbed by the dread of calamity, says Proverbs 1:33.

Next time: She Stuck to Her Beliefs

From the AWAKE! magazine, 2015



Why must tolerance have limits?

THE REALITY MOST societies try to maintain law and order. As  a result, they usually put reasonable limits on behavior.

WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS "[Love] does not behave indecently." (1 Corinthians 13:5) Although Jesus was a model of tolerance, he did not condone indecency, hypocrisy, and other forms of badness. Instead, he boldly  condemned such things.  (Matthew 23:13) "Whoever practices vile things hates the light [of truth]," he said. -John 3:20. 

The Christian apostle Paul wrote:  "Abhor what is wicked; cling to what is good." (Romans 12:9) He lived by those words. For example, when certain Jewish Christians segregated themselves from non-Jewish  believers, Paul-who was himself a Jew-firmly but kindly spoke up.  (Galatians 2:11-14) He knew that God, who "is not partial," would not tolerate racial prejudice among his people. -Acts 10:34. 

As Christians, Jehovah's Witnesses look to the Bible for moral guidance.  (Isaiah 33:22) Hence, they do not tolerate wickedness in their ranks.  The clean Christian congregation must not be corrupted by people who brush aside God's standards. To that end, the Witnesses obey the clear Biblical directive.  "Remove the wicked person from among yourselves." -1 Corinthians 5:11-13. 

Next time: THE BIBLE'S VIEWPOINT/TOLERANCE -Will God forever tolerate badness?

From the AWAKE! magazine, 2015 


Acceptance, forgiveness, and tolerance foster peaceful relationships. But should tolerance have boundaries?

What is the key to being more tolerant?

THE REALITY TODAY Worldwide, winds of intolerance are blowing strongly , fanned by such things as racial and ethnic prejudice, nationalism, tribalism, and religious extremism.

WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS During his ministry, Jesus Christ was surrounded by intolerance. Jews and Samaritans in particular hated one another.  (John  4:9) Women were treated  as inferior to men.And Jewish religious leaders scorned the common people. (John 7:49) Jesus Christ stood out as vastly different.  "This man welcomes sinners and eats with them," said his opposers.  (Luke 15:2) Jesus was kind, patient, and tolerant because he came not to judge people, but to heal them spiritually.  Love was his primary motivation. -John 3:17; 13:34. 

Love, the key to becoming more tolerant, opens our heart to others, despite their imperfections idiosyncrasies. Says Colossians 3:13: "Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely even if anyone has a cause for complaint against another." 

Next time: THE BIBLE'S VIEWPOINT/TOLERANCE - Why must tolerance have limits? 

From the AWAKE! magazine, 2015

HELP FOR THE FAMILY/PARENTING -Teaching Children Self-Control


Set the example. How are you at showing self-control? Does your child see you lose your temper in a  traffic jam, cut in line at the store, or interrupt others in conversation?  "the most straightforward way to help our children develop self-control is to exhibit it ourselves," writes Kindlon. -Bible principle: Romans 12:9

Teach your child about consequences. In a manner appropriate for his age, help your child see that there are benefits to resisting the urges and a price to pay for giving in to them. For example, if you child is angry over being mistreated by someone, help him to stop and ask himself:  'Will retaliation help or hurt? Is there a better way to deal with the situation-perhaps counting to ten and allowing the anger  to subside?  Would it be better to just walk away?' -Bible principle: Galatians 6:7. 

Create incentive. Praise your child when he displays self-control. Let him know that it may not always b easy to suppress his urges but that it is a sign of strength when he does so! The Bible says:  "As a  city broken through, without a wall, is the man who cannot control his temper." (Proverbs 25:28) In contrast, "The one slow to anger is better than a mighty man." -Proverbs 16:32. 

Practice. Create a role-playing game  called "What Would You Do?" or "Good Choices, Bad Choices" or something similar.  Discuss potential scenarios and act out possible reactions, labeling them either "good' or "bad." Get creative: If you like, use puppets, drawings, or another  method to make the activity enjoyable as well as informative. Your goal is to help your child realize that having self-control is better than being impulsive. - Bible principle: Proverbs 29:11. 

Be patient.  The Bible says that "foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child." (Proverbs  22:15) So do not expect your child to develop  self-control overnight.  "This is a long, slow process and with forward progress, meltdowns, and more progress," says the book Teach Your Children Well.  The effort, however is worthwhile.  "The child who can hold off," the book continues, "is in a much better position to hold off on drugs at twelve or sex at fourteen." 


From the AWAKE! magazine, 2015 



Teaching Children Self-Control


Today's culture undermines self-control.  "In our permissive culture, adults and children constantly hear messages that we should do whatever we want," writes Dr. David Walsh.  "From being well-meaning self-help gurus to dollar-grabbing hucksters, we constantly hear that we should give in to our urges." 

Early teaching of self-control is vital.  In a long-term study, researchers gave a group of four-year-old children one marshmallow each and told them that they  could either eat the one marshmallow right away or wait a brief period and receive another marshmallow as a reward for their patience. Later in life, as high school graduates, the children who showed self-control at four were doing better than their counterparts emotionally, socially, and academically. 

The cost of not teaching self-control can be heavy.  Researchers believe that the circuitry of a child's brain can be altered by his experiences.  Dr. Dan Kindlon explains what that means: "If we overindulge our children, if we don't make them learn  to wait their turn, delay gratification, and resist temptation, the neutral changes that we associate with strong character may not take place." 

Next time:  HELP FOR THE FAMILY/PARENTING - Teaching Children Self-Control -WHAT YOU CAN DO

From The AWAKE! magazine,  2015

YOUNG PEOPLE ASK?How Can I Make Worship of God Enjoyable?

Challenge #3: Attending Christian Meetings

Why it's not easy. After sitting in class all day, a hour or two  of listening to the Bible-based talks might seem like an eternity.

Why you should do it. The Bible exhorts Christians:  "Let us consider one another to incite to love and fine works, not forsaking the gathering of ourselves together, as some have the custom but encouraging one another, and all the more so as you behold the day drawing near." -Hebrews 10:24, 25.

What some of your peers say.  "Preparing for congregation meetings is an absolute must. Sometimes you just have to motivate yourself. When you do prepare, you enjoy the meetings because you know what's being discussed, and you can even participate." -Elda.

"At one point, I began to notice that when I gave comments at the meetings, those meetings became much more interesting to me." -Jessica.

What can you do. Take time to prepare in advance, and if you can, offer a comment. This will help you to feel more a part of what is going on.

To illustrate:  What's more enjoyable-watching a sport on television or playing it on the field?  Obviously, being  a participant is more rewarding  than  being a spectator. Why not take that approach to Christian meetings?

 Teaching Children Self-Control 

From the AWAKE! magazine! 2008 

YOUNG PEOPLE ASK? How Can I Make Worship of God Enjoyable?

Challenge #2: Engaging in the Ministry

Why it's not easy. talking to others about the Bible-or encountering a schoolmate while doing so-can be scary. 

Why your should do it. Jesus instructed his followers:  "Make disciples . . .,teaching them to observe  all the things I have commanded you."  (Matthew 28:19, 20 ) But there are further reasons to do it. Studies suggest that in some places the vast majority of teens believe in God and in the Bible. Yet, those same youths have no genuine hope for the future.  Through your study of the Bible, you have very the very information that many of your peers are searching for and need! 

What some of the peers say. "My friend and I prepared effective introductions, and we learned how to overcome objections and how to make return visits. Once I started putting more into my ministry, it became more enjoyable." -Nelisa.

"One Christian sister has helped me out so much!  She's six years older than I am, and she takes me out in the ministry with her and sometimes out to breakfast. She showed me encouraging scriptures that helped me to rearrange my thinking. I find that now I reach out to people more because of her wonderful example. I could never repay her!" -Shontay. 

What you can do. With your parents' permission, find someone in your congregation  who is older than you and with which you can share in the ministry. (Acts 16:1-3) The Bible states: "By iron, iron itself is sharpened. So one man sharpens the face of another." (Proverbs 27:17) There are many benefits to associating with older ones who have a wealth of experience.  "It's actually a relief to be around older ones," says 19-year-old Alexis. 

Next time: YOUNG PEOPLE ASK/How Can I Make Worship of God  Enjoyable? -Challenge #3: Attending Christian Meetings

From the AWAKE! magazine, 008


YOUNG PEOPLE ASK/How Can I Make Worship of God Enjoyable?

Challenge #1: Studying the Bible. 

Why it's not easy. Maybe you feel that you're just not the "studying type."  Your attention span seems short-it's hard to sit still and concentrate! Besides, don't you have enough studying to do for school? 

Why you should do it.  Not only is the Bible inspired of God but it's also "useful for teaching and helping people and for correcting  them and showing them how to live." (2 Timothy 3:16, Contemporary English Version) Studying the Bible and meditating on what you read can open up a whole new world for you. Let's fact it, nothing worthwhile comes easy to you without some hard work. If you want to play a sport well, you've got to lean the rules and practice the game. If you want to get fit, you need to exercise. If you want to learn about your Creator, you need to study God's Word. 

What some of your peers says.  "I come to a crossroads in my life when I got high school. The kids were doing all sorts of wrong things, and I had to make some decisions:  'Is that what I want to do? Are my parents  really teaching me the truth?   I had to find out for myself." -Tshedza.

"I always believed that what I had learned was the truth, but I needed to prove it to myself. I had to make it my own religion-as opposed to it being just a family religion." -Nelisa. 

What you can do. Make up your own customized study plan. You get to choose which subjects you'll explore. Where could you start?  Why not dig into your Bible and scrutinize your beliefs, perhaps using a book such as What Does the Bible Really Teach?" 

Action plan.  To get you started, check two or three of the  Bible topics  below that you want to learn more about-or, if you like, write in some of your own.

[] Is there a God?

[] How can I be sure that the Bible writers were inspired by God?

[] Why should I believe in creation rather than evolution? 

[] What is God's Kingdom, and how can I prove its existence?

[] How can I explain my belief about what happens at death? 

[] Why should I be convinced  that there will be a resurrection? 

[] How can I be sure which is the true religion?

[] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

[] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

[] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Next time:YOUNG PEOPLE ASK/ HOW CAN I Make Worship of God Enjoyable? -  Challenge #2: Engaging in the Ministry

From the AWAKE! magazine, 2008

YOUNG PEOPLE ASK/How Can I Make Worship of God Enjoyable?

Josh, 16, is sprawled out on his bed. His mom stands at the doorway.  "Joshua, get up!" she says sternly.  "You know it's a meeting night!"  Josh is being raised  as one of Jehovah's Witnesses, and attendance  at Christian meetings is a regular part of family worship. Lately, though, Josh hadn't felt inclined to attend. 

"Oh, Mom," he groans,  "do I really have to go?"

"Stop complaining and get dressed," she replies.  "I don't want to be late again!" She turns and starts to walk away.  

"Look, Mom,  Josh blurts out while she's still within earshot.  "This may be your religion, but that doesn't mean it's mine."  He knows his mom heard that, because the sound of her footsteps has stopped. Then, without responding, she continues walking away. 

Josh feels a twinge of guilt.  He doesn't really wan to hurt his mom.  But he doesn't  want to apologize either. The only thing he can do is . . .

With a sigh, Josh gets out of bed and starts getting dressed. Then he says, more to himself than to his mom:  "Sooner or later I'm going to have to make my own decision.  I'm not like the others at the Kingdom Hall. I'm just not cut out to be a Christian!"  

HAVE you ever felt the way Josh does in this scenario? At times, does it seem that while others enjoy Christian activities, you're just going  through the motions?  For instance: 

* Is studying the Bible just like another homework assignment to you? 

* Do you dread taking part in the door-to-door ministry?

* Do you often find yourself bored at Christian meetings? 

If your answer is yes to questions like these, don't be discouraged. With a few adjustments, you can learn to enjoy  serving God. Let's see how. 

Next time: YOUNG PEOPLE ASK/ How Can I Make Worship of God Enjoyable? -Challenge #1: Studying the Bible

From the AWAKE! magazine, 2008 


After four years of making a comprehensive study of the world's major ecosystems, a group of scholars and environmental leaders-who were part of a study called the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment[MA] -published their first report.  Some of the conclusions they reached follow:  During the past half century, the growing demand for food, freshwater, timber, fiber, and fuel has caused unprecedented changes in earth's ecosystems., straining earth's ability to pollinate crops, provide air conditioning by wild plants, and recycle nutrients by the oceans is being overtaxed. The planet is also at the edge of a massive wave of species extinctions. 

"Humans are damaging the planet at such an unprecedented rate that  could spur disease, deforestation or dead zones in the seas," said the Globe and Mall  newspaper of Canada.  The paper added:  "The wetlands, forest, savannahs, estuaries, coastal fisheries and other habitats that recycle air water and nutrients for all living creatures are being irretrievably damaged."  While the conclusion of the MA board of directors agrees that it lies within the power of the human societies to ease the strains that are being put on the ecosystems, they say that achieving it "will require radical changes in the way nature is treated at every level of decision-making." 

Can planet Earth be saved?  The answer is a resounding yes! As caretakers of God's creation, we should  do our best to respect the environment.  (Psalm 115:16) However, only through diverse intervention will the ecosystems be brought back into balance. Our "Grand Maker" promises that he will turn his attention to the earth and "give it abundance." (Job 35:10; Psalm 65:9-13) This includes the seas and everything in them because as the Creator, Jehovah God has power over the seas. (Psalm 95:5; 104:24-31) And what he promises is sure to come true because God "cannot lie." -Titus 1:2.

To know that earth will sustain future generations is most reassuring. This moves all who fear God to praise him for this abundant wisdom, power, and goodness and to laud him for all his love for his creative works . Psalm 150:1-6.

Next time:YOUNG PEOPLE ASK/ How Can I Make Worship of God Enjoyable?

From the AWAKE! magazine, 2008


THE BIBLE'S VIEWPOINT/Why You Should Beware of Spiritism

How We Gain Protection 

To protect ourselves  we need to keep free from everything connected with spiritism.  (Galatians 5:19-21) Thus, Jehovah God directs his servants to avoid the following practices:  "There should not be found in you anyone . . .who employs divination, a practicer of magic or anyone who looks for omens or a sorcerer, or one who binds others with a spell or anyone who consults a spirit medium or a professional foreteller of events or anyone who inquires of the dead. For everybody doing these things is something detestable to Jehovah." -Deuteronomy 18:10-12. 

In harmony with those words, may have taken steps to protect themselves by discarding any books or other objects related  to spiritism, says Ken, who broke free from spiritism,  "I went through all my belongings and destroyed everything I felt was bad." -See Acts 19:19, 20. 

The greatest protection is developing  a personal relationship with the true God, Jehovah. Note the course of action outlined at James 4:7, 8:  "Subject yourselves, therefore, to God; but oppose the Devil, and he will flee from you. Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you. Cleanse your hands you sinners, and purify your hearts, you indecisive ones." 

Jehovah God educates and protects those who draw close to  him.  They are not ignorant of Satan's designs' or deceived  by false appearances.  (2 Corinthians 2:11; 11:14) Also, Jehovah is Almighty. When called upon in faith, Jehovah will free individuals  from harassment by wicked spirits.  Chad, quoted earlier, says, "Knowing the source of my attacks and calling out to Jehovah God to protect me from their influence made it stop." - Psalm 91:1, .

Note: What is not said here, is that Satan will flee for the time being, but he will be back, just as it says in the Bible, when Satan was testing Jesus. You have to keep on the  lookout for Satan, he will not stop for long. You have to keep fighting him with Jehovah's help. 

Clearly, righthearted ones can rejoice in God's protection now and the realization the demons  and all who submit to  their influence will be  destroyed. Just imagine the joy and peace that will prevail on earth when mankind is free of the effects of spiritism! -Isaiah 11:9; Revelation 22:15. 


From the AWAKE! magazine, 2008


Where Spiritism Leads 

The goal of wicked spirit creatures is simply this:  They want to distract and mislead us from developing a personal relationship with our Creator.  They influence people to disobey God's  righteous requirements, whether knowingly or unknowingly. Therefore, spiritism leads to divine disapproval, hopelessness, and eventual destruction. -Revelation 21:8.

Says Luis, who is from Puerto Rico:  "From the time I was a child, my family was involved  in spiritism. It was part of our family religion and way of life. I thought my ability to foresee the future and read tarot cards was natural. I could often pick lottery numbers and help others win money. These supposed gifts were nothing more than a distraction keeping me from gaining Bible knowledge and building a relationship  with God." -John  17:3. 

Many may feel that involvement with the spirit world is harmless, even beneficial..  They may speak of so-called friendly ghosts or claim that spiritistic practices  can led to enlightenment, riches, or happiness. This could not be further from the truth. "There is always a price to pay,  "says Luis. 

A young  man named Chad started to experience fearful sights and the torment of being awakened every time he slept.  "Demons began harassing and torturing me every night," he says. How can we be protected against such harassment? 

Next time: THE BIBLE'S VIEWPOINT/Why You Should Beware of Spiritism - How We Gain Protection

From the AWAKE! magazine, 2008