
Conclusion of She Stuck to Her Beliefs - An interview with Song Hee Kang

That was quite an offer!  What did you and your mother do?

Although no one seemed willing to perform the surgery without blood, we firmly decided to stick to our beliefs.  Then things got even more complicated. Legally, I was still a minor. So because my condition was becoming critical, my case went to court. Thankfully, however, the Florida state attorney gave us 30 days  to find a surgeon  who would respect my wishes. 

Did you find someone?

Yes! The local Hospital Liaison Committee of Jehovah's Witnesses kindly contacted  a scoliosis specialists in New York who felt positive about the procedure and agreed to see me . So we met the court's deadline.  

How did the surgery go?

It was a complete success! In order to straighten out my spine, the surgeon Dr. Robert M. Bernstein, the surgeon, inserted adjustable rods into my back. He performed the surgery in two stages two weeks apart. 

Why two stages?

If the first procedure had resulted in significant blood loss, the interval would have given my body time to produce more red blood cells prior to the second procedure. As things worked out, in both procedures I lost very little blood, thanks to the surgical team's good planning, skill, and meticulous work. I also made a strong recovery, free of the complications that can result from blood transfusion.

How did your surgeon feel about the outcome?

He was delighted!  "Medical care," he said, "is not just about performing operations." Doctors, he felt, should take the whole patient into account, including his or her beliefs and values.  Many people besides Jehovah's Witnesses would fully endorse that view.  


* Scoliosis is not caused by poor posture or a lack of calcium 

* Spinal deformities are not contagious

* Braces do not straighten the spine but may prevent further progression of the curve. 

* Scoliosis surgery does not interfere with future childbearing. 

* There is no known prevention for many spinal deformities

 * Smoking hampers bone healing


From the Awake! magazine, 2015

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