
Live In Harmony With the Model Prayer/Part II


Notice that this is a personal request not purely for  "my" bread for the day but for "our" bread for the day. Victor, a circuit overseer in Africa explains: "I often sincerely thank Jehovah that my wife and I don't have to be seriously concerned  about where our next meal will come from, nor do we have to  worry about who will pay the rent. our brothers kindly  look after us every day.  But I do pray that those helping us will manage to handle the economy pressures they face. 

If we have sufficient food for many days, we can think of brothers who live in poverty or who are affected by disasters. We should not only pray for them but also act in harmony with our prayers. For example, we can share what we have with fellow  worshippers in need. We can also regularly contribute to the worldwide work, knowing that such funds are used wisely. -1 John 3:17.

In referring to our daily bread, Jesus likely meant our immediate needs.  Thus, he went  on to show how God clothes the wildflowers, and then he said:  "Will he not much rather clothe you, you with little faith? So never be anxious and say . . ."What are we to wear?" He concluded by repeating this important advice:  "Never be anxious  about the next day." (Matthew 6:30-34) This shows that rather  than be materialistic, we should be content with our basic daily needs.  Such needs  may include suitable accommodations, employment to provide for our family, and wisdom to cope with health concerns. If we were to  pray only for such physical needs, however, it would indicate an imbalance. We have spiritual needs that are of much greater importance.

Jesus' reference to our daily bread should remind us of our need for spiritual food.  "Man must live, " said our Master, "not on bread alone, but on every word that comes from Jehovah's mouth."  (Matthew 4:4)   So we should continue to pray that Jehovah will keep on feeding us with timely spiritual food. 

Next time: Live in  Harmony With the Model Prayer/Part II -"FORGIVE US OUR DEBTS" 

From the Watchtower magazine, 2015 

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