
"The God of Peace" Cares for the Afflicted

Soon-A World Without Affliction!

The Creator promises that by means of his Kingdom, he will soon do away with  mankind's afflictions. How will he accomplish this? By removing Satan the Devil, the chief instigator of affliction and the foremost enemy of peace, whom the Bible identifies as "the god of this system of things." (2 Corinthians 4:4) But soon his [Satan's]  over mankind will end. His being eliminated will open the way for countless blessing to come to those who fear God. The Bible promises that Jehovah will "wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning, not outcry, nor pain be anymore>  The former things have passed away." -Revelation 21:1-4. 

Does a world without affliction sound too good to be true?  We are so accustomed to living with adversity that we are hard-pressed  to imagine its absence.  But freedom from fear, anxiety, and calamity is just what God purposed for mankind at creation, and his purpose will succeed. -Isaiah 55:10,11.

This is the hope that Sonia, Fabiana, and Ana, mentioned in the opening article, found. Sonia, whose two sons died of AIDS, gained much peace from the hope that the Bible holds out-a resurrection  of the righteous and unrighteous.  (Acts 24:15) "One thing is certain," she says,  "our hope surpasses any pain whatsoever."

While still living in the orphanage, Ana was visited by one of Jehovah's Witnesses.  "She showed me Jehovah's name in the Bible," says Ana,  "and I cried for joy. I needed help badly, and I learned that there is a God who cares for us." After leaving the orphanage, Ana accepted  a Bible study and learned more about Jehovah's promises. Then she dedicated her life to Jehovah and symbolized it by baptism.  "Since then I have continued to rely on Jehovah through prayer and I am comforted by the assurance that he will help me." 

Fabiana too has found much comfort and peace of mind in her affliction by learning about God's  promises for the future.  "Learning the truth from the Bible is like leaving a very dark and gloomy place and entering a clear, bright, and pleasant room." -Compare Psalm 118:5. 

But how and when will literal peace all around the globe come about?  Let us see in the following articles. 


From the Watchtower magazine, 1997

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