
Meet Chimpanzees in the Wild


In her book In the Shadow of Man,  zoologist Dr. Jane Goodall writes that her observations in the 1960's  of "tool-making" chimpanzees "convinced  a number of scientists that it was  necessary to redefine man in a more complex manner than before." Chimpanzees using leaves as a sponge, using rocks or branches to crack nuts, and stripping leaves off of twigs before sticking them  into dirt mount to fish around for termites  were truly astonishing discoveries. However in recent times, it has become common knowledge that a number of animals demonstrate amazing tool-making skills.  Dr. T.X. Barber, author of the book The Human Nature of Birds-a Scientific Discovery With Startling implications, states:  "All thoroughly studied animals, including not only apes and dolphins but also ants and bees, have demonstrated totally unexpected basic awareness and practical intelligence."

This does not in any way alter the fact that man is unique. As Professor David Premack writes, "the grammar or syntax or human language is certainly unique." Yes, the complexities of human language together with the richness of human culture where language and speech play a crucial part, certainly separate from the animals.

After years of studying chimpanzees in the wild, Jane Goodall wrote:  "I cannot conceive of chimpanzees developing emotions, one for the other, comparable in any way to the tenderness, the protectiveness, tolerance, and spiritual exhilaration that are the hallmarks of human love in its truest and deepest sense." She also wrote "Man's awareness of Self supersedes the primitive awareness of a fleshly body. Man demands an explanation of the mystery of his being and the wonder of the world around him and the cosmos above him."

The Bible explains the difference between animals and humans by saying that man was made in "God's image ." (Genesis 1:27)  Hence, unlike animals, man would reflect the spiritual image of his Maker, displaying His qualities, among which love is the foremost. Man would also be capable of taking in huge amounts of knowledge and acting with an intelligence surpassing that of any animal.  Man was also made with a capacity to act according to his own free will, not being controlled by instinct.  

Next time: THE BIBLE'S VIEWPOINT/ What Makes Us Good or Evil?

From the AWAKE!  magazine, 2010

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